Chapter 2: Feast of the Two Heirs

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Boxes wrapped in pink, yellow, blue, and purple paper rose on the greenwood stage of the Assembly Hall. A dozen square tables stood in rows on the floor, daffodils and tulips strewn over the tops. Massive jugs of flowers decorated the platforms of the periphery. Afternoon sunlight brightened the room through open windows. A hum of voices rang in the air, voices that sounded less excited than Emick felt.

Emick's father, Damyx kel Ramsey, clasped hands with his son. "Splendid!" he said. "Glad to see your mother is not here." He wore his burgundy kel's vest with the mahogany trim and embroidery, nice rather than flashy, and smooth black trousers. A linen shirt rather than silk covered his arms. His hair was short, an uncommon style for kels, who typically declared their status with elaborate braided rows. However, Damyx was a professor, not a royal, despite his kel heritage.

Emick slid his hand over his own dark brown braids and shuddered, grimacing. "She was not invited. And anyway, I doubt she would have attended, what with the death of her Minara."

Damyx grabbed his head with both hands and sat down at a long table. "What? Minara is dead now?"

"Yes, thank Moor." Emick sat next to him, his fingers restless on the lace tablecloth. "The blasted war, all the chaos, heartache. All Minara's doing. I say! I almost pity Mother."

"What, why?" said Damyx.

"Well, while she is a pathetic debauchee, she must have been one of Minara's minions as well. She thought Minara loved her, as though such a thing were possible, and now she is gone, and with it, all Mother's power and cunning. When Mother left Gallel, I thought of a walrus shrinking away with her tail between her legs."

"Don't you mean dog?" said Damyx, a knowing smile touching his lips.

"This is mother."

"Yes," Damyx whispered. He leaned back in his chair. "I met your mother through Minara."

"What!" said Emick. "She was her minion back then? How old is the witch?"

Damyx shrugged. "Older than she looks. Your mother wasn't quite as fat then. She made herself charming. For a night." Damyx sighed. "Well, I'm glad you're here, son. But I hope I never have to see your mother again."

"Smite me, Father, I hate her more than you can know."

Looking carefully from over his fingertips, Damyx said carefully, "How... did Minara die?"

"Well, I wasn't there, but my friends claim to have taken her wari. She was attempting some ceremony to free a demon from the Void, and to give him my son's body."

"Is that so? How did she fail?"

Emick straightened his back and beamed. "Chadwick fought him off! Imagine that, a little womb dweller fought off a powerful demon. And then, after my friends took Chadwick out, they sucked her wari right out of her. Dead. Gone."

Damyx nodded, then locked his ginger eyes onto his son's. "Beware, Emick. I have known Minara for decades. I have fought to break her spell from my heart. Such a mage as she is will not stay dead if she was killed as you described by your friends."

Emick's blood froze as his mouth opened. "That is what Skel feared as well." When his father looked a question at him, he said. "A time mage friend who was also captured with my friend."

Damyx grasped Emick's arm. His eyes softened lovingly. "You must continue to block your heart from her and give your soul to your Lianna. I believe you will face Minara again, and she will be even more powerful."

"But. She's dead. My friends saw her broken body. They caused her death. They left her burned corpse alone in a dark cavern with no food or exit. Whatever you or that mage say, how could she live again?"

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