Chapter 04: A Hint of Lavender

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Amber [April 6th, 1017]

Scratchy wool hugs my skin and the blankets begin to shift. The sight of the room begins to come into sight as I wake up. Propping myself up, I look over my left shoulder and nudge Galen. He shifts, causing the bed to creak. With no luck, I whisper quietly, "Are you up yet, Galen?" No response. A thought creeps over my mind and I smirk. Shutting my eyes, I explore my mind, concentrating. Wincing at first from pain, my surroundings change suddenly.

A beautiful lavender field surrounds me and the scent billows in the air. My russet red hair cloaks my vision as it's strewn across my face by the wind. Moving my hair out of my face, I notice Galen sitting in the field. Waltzing towards him, I plop myself down onto the checkered blanket. Nudging him, I whisper, "Time to wake up."

Jolting up, his coal black hair flops as he surveys his surroundings. "Amber, what the heck! You know, I wonder sometimes how you'd wake me up if you couldn't barge into my dreams," he jokes. A light fills me as I stare into his cocoa brown eyes. Bringing my hand to his face, I stroke his face and gently touch his Moon birthmark by his left eye. Small star birthmarks are plotted on his arms and face.

Blackness fills my vision as energy surges through my veins, causing me to open my eyes. Letting out a sigh, I glance around. The familiar sights of the canopy over our bed and bathroom door cause me to squeal. Yes, yes, yes! Shifting back in forth, excited, I shake Galen violently. "Galen, Galen! I beat my record! I dream walked for like three minutes!"

"Good job," he croaks, tired. A smile comes across my face, feeling victorious. Bouncing out of our bed, I rush to the mahogany dresser and pull out the drawers, grabbing a yellow cable-knit sweater and denim jeans.

Zooming past Galen who had finally woken up, I open the ivory white bathroom door. Marble tiles pave the floor as I drape my outfit on. After I perform my morning routine, I push open the bathroom door and run out of the room into an expansive hallway.

Adrenaline fills my body as I dash towards the throne room. I can't be late! Dodging tables with trinkets, I finally reach the tall set of doors. Stepping in, a cold air meets my skin. The dome ceiling expands upwards, almost reaching the heavens. The two golden thrones are placed towards the back in the center, demanding my attention. Staffs decorated with jewels lean against the chairs. Like a worker on a conveyor belt, I instinctively march towards the thrones, dragging my feet against the cold tiles.

Hoisting the staff upwards, I return to the center of the room. Directing all my power to the staff, I bite down on my lip and shut my eyes tightly. Pain and adrenaline flows through my bloodstream as I start to heave. As soon as I begin chanting, my feet begin to leave the floor as I clutch tighter to the staff. The pain intensifies as my arms begin to dangle behind me, causing my body to look like a table.

A yellow light flashes through the room and my body falls back to the floor. Rolling around, I rub my bruised arms, letting out a long hiss. The Sun's rays kiss my skin and I let out a sigh of relief. At least I got one thing right, I got the Sun up. Placing my hands on the tile, I push myself up. Swaying awkwardly, I pace toward the door before opening it.

Walking back to my room was always the worst part of my day. Not only did my bones ache from raising the Sun, it was always too quiet. It's not like I could just run away from the silence that rings through these halls, it just follows me everywhere.

Sometimes, I wish I could weave my words like Galen. I can't even express myself through words. All I have is my ability to show others images or memories and still, I don't feel like myself. It's not even the fact that I'm shy. You can't show other people who you are if you don't even know who you are yourself.

Shaking the idea away, I continue to massage myself, still weary. Reaching the doors to my room, I thrust them open, revealing a silence hanging in the air. Examining the room, a folded piece of paper draws my attention. Retrieving it, I read it quickly.

Dear Amber,
I know I never say this and I always joke around with you, but you are extraordinary. You exude a positivity unlike anyone else and I love you for it. You hide your ferocity, but I can see it in your blue green eyes. I could go on and on about everything I adore about you, but I don't think there's enough paper.
I planned a little something for our six month anniversary. I will always remember the day we met, October 6th, 1016. Come meet me in front of the castle. You won't be disappointed.
Forever yours, Galen

Smiling, I tuck the note into my back pocket. Sliding my feet into my leather boots, I charge out of the room towards the castle doors, exhilarated. My feet tire as I continue to run across the expansive castle. Slapping my hands on my thighs, I heave, out of breath. Lowering down the wooden door, a pine scent fills my nostrils. Galen is facing the vast forest before turning around smiling. Gripped in his right hand is a picnic basket.

"What's the basket for?" I inquire, curious of its insides.

"You'll find out," he taunts, strolling over and entangling his fingers in between mine. Slowly, he starts to walk and I trail behind him.

Turning right at the split in the road, a pine scent wafting in the air begins to stir and mix with a new scent I can't place. Beginning to concentrate while I watch, I close my eyes and mentally connect dots as I telepathically send an image to Galen, an image of us when we first met. There he is, staring into my eyes. There I am, trying to avoid his gaze. Around us is blackness, it was like time stopped when I met him.

"Amber, I have a question... Why are all the memories you show me in third person?" he chuckles.

Continuing to admire my surroundings, I respond, "I don't know, I'd like to think it's a cool effect."

He stays silent for a couple of seconds, processing the information before he starts speaking again. "Close your eyes, we're almost there." Obeying his orders, I close them. "Well, we're here, but keep them closed." Galen starts to buzz around, doing something. Tempted to open my eyes, I wave the idea away. "Okay, you can open them now." Gasping, a beautiful lavender field stands before me, the lavender field from the dream.

"Well, do you like it?" Galen chirps, trying to hold back my excitement. A smile begins to form on my face when I notice a checkered blanket strewn on top of the grass. On top of the blanket are bold red roses, a small teddy bear, and the basket from before.

"Of course!" I reply as I move towards the blanket. Lowering myself down onto the blanket, Galen lays on his back and stares up at the sky. A mist hangs in the air as I inhale deeply, letting out a sigh. Shutting my eyes, I place my hand on my chest and wrap my other hand around Galen's. None of us say anything. I finally break the silence, "Do you think we'll last?"

Galen stays silent, possibly thinking before he starts to speak. "Amber, if we try, we'll work. If we stop caring, of course we won't work."

"Do you promise you'll always try?" I ask. If it took him that long to reply, maybe— no, I need to stop jumping to conclusions.

"Amber, if I could only hold true to one promise, it'd be this one," he says, propping himself up to face me and wraps his pinky around mine. Galen picks up the teddy bear and hands it to me. He proceeds to stand up and survey the area before running over to pluck a lavender from the dirt. After bringing the flower to his nose, inhaling its scent, he comes back hand it to me and I smile brightly. Digging in his pocket, he pulls out a family heirloom and presents a golden locket.

I start to jump up and down, exhilarated. Grabbing my hair, he throws it over my shoulder and places the necklace around my neck. After he finally clasps the circle and lock together, he whispers quietly in my ear, "A little something from me."

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