Chapter 02: Cryptic

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A/N: Thanks for reading! Remember to vote and comment your opinion of the chapter. Constructive criticism is always appreciated, it helps me grow as a writer. Please point out any grammar/spelling mistakes I might make. I try to reply to your comments and update every Friday, and even Wednesday if I wrote enough chapters ahead of time.


Luna Windsor [December 21st, 2028]

She stops, looking side to side before whispering quietly, "I hate to break it to you two, but you two are witches."

Witches. What the heck? I stare at her, in awe. Did she expect me to believe her? Paranormal junk is so outdated. Technological and scientific advances have proven that this kind of crap wasn't real and almost everybody has gotten over it. I thought she was going to threaten my family, not tell me what she thinks is real. Whatever, maybe if I keep asking and acting like I believe her I'll find the source of her insanity.

"You have got to be kidding me," Solis chuckles, "What is this? Some kind of sick birthday present?" Her eyes pierce, staring at Destiny.

Snickering, she replies with a witty comment, "Oh, does it look like I'm messing with you 'Miss Brave?' 'Cause I'm not, not at all."

I watch them like an eagle, slowly sinking into my seat. "How is that possible?" I mumble, barely articulating my words.

"Now, you, on the other hand are the complete opposite of Solis. Get a spine. Speak up," Destiny retorts, "But fine... If you must know, you two are what I call 'embodiments.' You were born with a special set of gifts."

Gawking at her, I reply quietly, "What—"

"I said 'speak up,'" Destiny says with a tone of frustration. Solis looks at me, jerking her head forward, causing her shoulder length hair to bob a little, signaling me to be louder.

Nodding back to Solis, I look back at Destiny, asking louder, but still not as articulate, "What 'special set of gifts' were we born with?"

A basket of wedge cut fries is plopped in front of me and I look up and thank Donna. She gives me another smile before gently putting a vanilla milkshake in front of Lis. Donna speeds away and I peer back at Destiny.

"Well?" I respond, clearer than before.

"You two can control the Sun and Moon. Solis, you control the Sun. Luna, you control the Moon. There's other embodiments who control the planets, but I won't talk about that."

She has got to be kidding me. Magicians don't "levitate" the planets. "Sure, and I can read minds."

"Maybe you can. Along with the ability to raise the Sun or Moon, you also are born with some other gifts. I have the ability to teleport, see the destinies of others, change someone's life, and sometimes, I can manipulate thoughts and actions."

Now she's just lost it. I stare at Solis, mouthing to her, 'What is wrong with her?'

Solis mouths back, 'Who knows?' rolling her eyes, taking a long sip of her milkshake. Destiny catches us and grows enraged.

"Oh, so you don't believe me? When weird things start to happen, you better beg for me to tell you what's happening," she states, getting up after throwing a crumpled up ten dollar and note onto the table. Walking out of the door, Donna waves at her.

"Well, I'm glad that psycho is out of my life. You might've figured it out, but I'm Solis, but just call me Lis," she adds. I smile back, adorning my coat before carefully getting up and picking up the note, heading towards the door. I shove the note into my pocket. "Where are you going? Wait up!" Chasing after me, I turn around to see her smiling, draping on her coat. "Want to hang out?" Lis asks and I respond with a nod. Maybe I can talk to her about what the hell just happened.

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