Chapter 03: The Others

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A/N: Please remember to vote and comment! I love to read your comments and thoughts about the chapter! Your support has been great and has really motivated me!


Luna Windsor [December 21st, 2028]

"As I've said before, you guys control the Sun and Moon. Your magic will start to become stronger because you're now sixteen and you won't physically age anymore. After you're strong enough, I'll start to teach you how to control your gifts and powers and help you learn some other magical elements."

Shocked beyond utter belief, I look at Lis. She nods her head violently, mouthing to me to continue. "Is there like a difference between magic, powers, and gifts?" I inquire.

"Yeah, a slight difference though. Magic is what allows you to have powers and gifts. Gifts are natural abilities you have while powers are learned and mastered. Your ability to raise the Sun and Moon are a mix of gift and power. You don't have to always use the right word, I mean, they basically are the same thing."

"Were there others like us?" I question.

"There was one other pair of embodiments. Their names were Amber and Galen. Before them, the universe just raised the Sun and Moon. I guess the universe got tired of doing it, I'd get tired too if I had to do it for billions of years."

"Wait, what do you mean 'were?' And wait, what about 'the universe?'" Lis questions, anxious, bumping me over, grabbing my phone. Her locks reminiscent of the Sun's beams bounce again like back at the diner as she revels in the fact she obtained my phone.

"Yeah... They died on December 21st, 2012. The world would've ended if I didn't find you. Both of you had magic in you. Because of my ability to change destinies, with a little manipulation of how your magic would manifest, I morphed your magic so you could control the Sun and Moon. The other gifts you develop naturally because of the magic in you," she pauses, allowing me to soak in the new information. "And the universe is... like this ball of energy, full of power. They created me and tasked me with the job of finding their replacement. I was 'born' so long ago, I didn't even have a last name. Amber and Galen didn't have one either until they decided to make one up with me. Everything about me, my features, gifts, powers, and even my personality is because of the universe. They basically made who I am. "

Created... like a robot? Why can't I tell if she's lying or telling the truth? Why can't I tell if she's crazy? Just calm down, Luna, she can probably smell fear.

"So... what would have happened if you didn't find us? Couldn't the universe just step in?" I ask, yanking the phone back from Lis.

"The universe could've picked it up again, but they have other things to do."

"So, did the universe take over when Amber and Galen died and while we were growing up?" I question.

"Yeah, but the universe tries not to meddle with human affairs and such. They're not really interested them, so they just put me in charge of these things." So, that makes total sense.

"What kind of gifts did Amber and Galen have?" I ask.

"Amber had the gift of telepathy and dream walking. She could communicate through your mind or dreams. Galen was gifted with telekinesis and binding. He manipulated objects and could stop people physically with his mind."

"How'd they die?" Lis remarks impatiently. Silence looms over the conversation before Destiny starts speaking again.

"I don't know," pausing, "I hate to put you guys on the spot, but I need to know if you two are willing to come with me. Away from your friends and family. Your magic is going to grow and you need to raise the Sun and Moon. It'll be dangerous if you stick around if your powers aren't properly trained, you could even kill them on accident. And I'm pretty sure your parents will start to notice if their daughters aren't aging at all. I need to know in two hours. I'll send you a text of where to meet up," Destiny announces, hanging up.

The call ends and I yank the phone out of her hand and click on the home screen, reading the message aloud, "Salem Memorial Park."

"Luna, do you still believe her?" Lis asks, exhaling and pacing the room.

Unbelievable. Why is this happening to me? I breathe deeply and exhale. "I— I don't know. Do you really want to take the chance of hurting our friends and family?" I exclaim, frustrated. I have two hours to decide if I want to take the chance or not.

Lis grunts, blurting, "There's the chance she's not lying, but it's so small. And even if she's telling the truth, do we really want to be stuck with her? The pros of going with her are that we find out more and if it's true, we wouldn't be able to hurt our loved ones. The cons are that, I don't know, our parents call 911 to report us missing, everyone gets worried, and we are stuck with her. And the biggest one of all, she could be trying to murder us," pausing, "We have two hours to decide if we're going to go with her and possibly get killed or stay here," Lis states, her statement laced with sarcasm.

I let out a screech, slapping my hand on my mouth, remembering my mom's downstairs. Sharply expelling a breath, I continue to tug down on my hair. Why am I having a hard time? This is an easy choice, but something's pestering me, holding me back from staying and not going to the park.

"Luna, come on. I've already said the pros and cons and the cons clearly outweigh the pros. We shouldn't, no, not shouldn't, can't go. We could get killed."

"What if she'd telling the truth? We could hurt our families. Hurt them," I argue.

"Luna, please. We won't hurt them because magic's bull and this is all bologna," she asserts bluntly.

"I can't take that chance. My parents have done so much for me, working almost six days for ten hours everyday. They want so much for me, better things. I don't know what I'd do if I hurt them. I'd do anything for them, even if it means I'm stuck with Destiny," I murmur quietly, tears blobbing in my eyes. Turning my back to Lis, I try to blink the tears away unsuccessfully and I wipe them away. Lis walks over slowly, placing her hand on my right shoulder.

"Luna, you're acting paranoid. Please."

"I am not!" I scream, yanking her hand off of my shoulder. Looking at me, her face morphs. Inhaling, I spurt something out, "I'm not your responsibility." Silence constricts my throat.

Her voice softens, concerned, "Luna, please. I don't want you to end up dead."

"I'm going. Nothing you do will stop me, I'm running out of time. I'm willing to take the chance if it means protecting my mom and dad."

"Listen to yourself! I thought you were supposed to be the smart one! Apparently, you're too caught up in your emotions to think rationally. Haven't you ever heard of the saying, 'Curiosity killed the cat?'" she hisses.

"How many times do I have to say this? I. Do. Not. Care. She wants to hurt my family. My family. Not some goldfish I won from the fair. The people who raised me and broke their backs for me. It's my turn to do something for them," I assert, wanting to stomp my foot and break everyone to release my boiling anger.

"Luna, do you think I don't understand? 'Cause I do. But do you think dying for them is the right way to repay them? They're going to be devastated. You think you're being brave and selfless, but you're as selfish as you can get right now!"

"They'll get over it," I retort.

"You think you're protecting them, but you're actually hurting them. They're the ones who are going to have to bury you," Lis argues as some spit flies out of her mouth. Switching the lamp off, I step out of my room into a tidy hallway adorned with family pictures and medals. Lis clutches my wrist and I turn around. Her eyes soften and gaze into mine. "Please, Luna. Don't do this."

Letting out a sigh, I whisper quietly, "My mind's made up, I'm sorry." Tears blur my vision as I turn back and march forward to my death. As much as it may hurt them, I love them too much for them to die. I can't live with the fact that they could die and I could've prevented it.

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