Chapter 1.1: Damage

Start from the beginning

Canúden shook his head with a scowl. "How did I get so blasted important? Of course I don't want my Navieve to be the next San of Galia, she would hate it as much as I would to be Kel. But aren't there about a thousand other lowly villagers around the world, like maybe closer to where Hallel actually lives, that would be better at helping him?"

"I do not yet know why it must be you, Canúden," said Skel."However, your potential is as plain to me as the flow of your wari and your bond with my friend, Ophia. You have never been a mere lowly villager."

"Well,"said Canúden, "Gizelle seemed to think I had something important to do, but she died before she could explain it to me." He waved the thought away.  "Anyway, I don't want to stay here any longer than I need to, but why the rush? Ophia has already agreed to nurse Chadwick, at least for a few months. Stupid Tutang is finally dead, so we don't have him to worry about." Lianna glared at him sorrowfully. "Sorry, Lianna, but we could stay here a few months, plan our trip, gather maps, whatever. Nathan has only just gone east to buy a ship. We don't expect him for another week, at least."

Skelshook her head. "No. Emick's life is at stake. Certain people will kill him in order to ensure you wear the Kel's robes."

Lianna grasped Emick's hand and held Chadwick closer to her breast. "No! People will love him, once they know him."

"They will." Skel smiled warmly. "His potential is great as well, and he and you will save Galia from those who wish it to crumble."

"What then?" said Lianna. "My baby can't go hungry. Goat milk wouldn't be acceptable for a royal, I pretty much have to choose another wet nurse. No, I don't care about snobby expectations, I'll use a goat."

Skel's grin turned to just one side of her mouth. "No need to procure a goat. I will make your milk flow."

"That's possible?" said Lianna. "Why don't more people do that? So much easier than bothering with a wetnurse."

"It is rare to find a mage skilled to do this," said Skel. "It requires an understanding of the way things could be in a body untouched by motherhood. A skill of the highest order, for a mage of the highest order. I am a time mage, I see what could be. Sit. Take my hand. Chadwick hungers."

Chadwick's nose wrinkled as it rooted around Lianna's bodice, and the scowl on his mouth spoke the truth of his hunger.

Placing Chadwick back in Emick's arms, Lianna sat with Emick on the sofa, then offered her hand, which looked pale next to Skel's long ebony fingers. The mage's narrow face relaxed, her eyes closed, and Emick almost felt the colors of the music which emanated from Skel's chest as she sang. Lianna's eyes closed also, and she rested her head against Emick's chest. Chadwick stared dully at the pale blue fabric of Lianna's shoulder.

Lianna convulsed, and she yelped. Emick snatched the baby before Lianna accidentally pushed him to the floor. He felt muscle spasm in her gut through the bond; her very fingers ached.

Skel dropped her hand and her song ended abruptly. She opened her eyes."Contraction. It signals the body that it is time to produce milk."

Panting, Lianna looked at her with one eye. "Ancestors, a little warning please."

"It is not usually so painful. The pain will ease." Skel took Chadwick in her arms again. "Now, let me hold your little man again."

"What's wrong?" said Lianna, straightening.

"I did not say there was anything wrong," said Skel.

"No, but your look makes it obvious," said Lianna. "I don't need to be a mind mage to see it."

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