Become my owner

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"Ehhhhh !!??" I fall back on my butt as I look up at him with wide eyes staring at his ears, "T-those are fake right?...You must be playing around," I look at him shocked as I stand up and touch his right ear.

"Oi brat don't touch then," As I try to rub it he pulls away holding his ears and looks at me, "These are real even if you don't believe me."

I stay there still I see something move behind him,I scoot more to the side grabbing his sweater lifting it up alittle seeing something soft come out and sways around my face, "Ehhh a tail too!"

With out thinking I grabbed it and stretched it out to see if it was fake "OI! brat don't touch my tail." He pulls it away from me with a soft hiss, I think I must of hurt him by the pulling hehe, "Well do you believe me now."

As I look at him in the eyes I sigh, "Y-Yes I guess but I still don't get how you turned human?"

"World isn't perfect right?" He said as he stretches then lays down on my couch yawning, "I need some sleep wake me up in the morning okay."

"Ehh?" I look at him confused, "W-What your staying here ?!"

"Yes I am I need a place to stay and well your the one who saved me and I did save your ass just now. So owner-san~ ...take responsibility."

"EHHHHHH." From this day on I new my life will become a disaster.

Levi's owner (yaoi levixeren)Where stories live. Discover now