Pt 1 (Finished)

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Literally all that Yoongi wanted was some ice cream. A cold, delectable treat, maybe with some gummy worms, or peanuts, or those crushed up reese's peanut butter cups that his mother never lets him have (on the account of 'they'll rot your teeth' - which Yoongi doesn't care much of, anyway; he's a child, not a dentist), or basically whatever that he can get his hands on, at this point in his desperation.

But of course, things did not turn out this way for Min Yoongi. Of course not. He may be a bit naive, yet also a bit too clinical for his young age, but he does know that life isn't always fair - a lesson that he seems to get way too much for his liking. And this is definitely not fair, the way that this small person has been disrupting Yoongi's plans to get the ice cream that he oh so very much desired.

So there Yoongi sat, on the park bench, with his tiny sized unlaced tennis shoes barely touching the ground, his pitch black hair styled in an unkempt yet perfectly tousled bed head, his dark blue shirt falling onto his light washed jeans, and - oh, did I forget to mention that a small person was staring at him, their eyes almost bulging out of their sockets, their body being way too close in proximity with Yoongi's, invading the boy's personal space? Yeah, that is what was happening at this particular moment.

And Yoongi hated it. This kid was younger than Yoongi himself, that much was obvious with the height difference (not that Yoongi is that tall or anything, but come on, give him some credit, at least), and with the way that the kid was still missing some teeth from the front of his smile (that he shot at Yoongi as he sat down across from him on the bench. Seriously, okay, come on; Yoongi just wanted some ice cream. How difficult was it to get one simple thing that he wanted? Very, from what he can tell).

Should Yoongi ask the kid why he's staring at him? Should Yoongi just avoid the his gaze until the kid gets bored, and just ends up walking away from him? Yes, that is what Yoongi would do. He would avoid him, wait for the kid to get bored, and then the kid would leave. The plan was fool proof, Yoongi was sure of it.

Well okay, maybe not. Because then the kid is suddenly in Yoongi's face, bounding up to him, sitting right next to him on the park bench in a blink of an eye. Who even moves that fast? Yoongi could've sworn he was at least a couple of feet away from the other just a few moments ago, and now there's barely an inch between the two of them. And Yoongi needs to breathe, because seriously, what even? He's had some odd things happen to him in his short eight years of life, and being friends with the boisterous and unpredictable Taehyung, Seokjin, Hoseok and Namjoon didn't exactly help with this, but with the way that the kid is staring at him, Yoongi's starting to think that - well, Yoongi doesn't really know what to think about this this odd specimen of a small human being.

So obviously Yoongi's second plan didn't work out so well. He tried, he really did. But now all that's left to do is ask the kid why he's staring at Yoongi, and if he can direct his presence elsewhere because come on, ice cream. Yoongi finds this a complete reason to not want to interact with the other, and he will use the excuse as much as possible.

But when Yoongi opens his mouth to speak, the kid beats him to it, his soft voice butting in the second that the words are ready to tumble out of Yoongi's mouth.

"Hyung! What's your name?" With this question the kid smiles again, his eyes lifting into small crescents on his face, and Yoongi wants to scream.

(The kid is undeniably cute. He's got this floppy pile of dark hair centered neatly on the top of his head, his black shirt tucked into his jeans, his trainers laced onto his feet perfectly fitting, his little button nose seemingly topped off with a few freckles here and there. And did I mention the whole eye crescent thing happening when he smiles? Yoongi takes one look at this, decides that the other is not to be trusted, and that he needs to get as far away from him as possible.)

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