Chapter 20

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Bryson: I traveled my hand down to her delicate fragile center causing her to gasp and trying to refuse my hand

Bryanna:  Bryson you have to stop you are about to get ma-ma- OMG 😩😩

Bryson: I started rubbing a very sensitive part of her body which caused her to go into shivers and back up into a wall which gave me more access to trap her in

Third person: Bryson lifted bryanna up immediately wrapping her legs around his waist and taking in all the attention she was getting on her neck, Bryson soon kneeled down on his knees with bryanna still against the wall and soon getting in front of her lower parts that ppl would never be to see and started pulling up bryanna's night gown that she had taking off her panties and getting into contact to what she was working with, soon diving in bryanna tried holdin in her moans and Bryson didn't like that all so he sucked harder on her pearl causing her to get ready to explode already and as soon as she did Bryson went for every drop but didn't stop slurping, plus bryanna wasn't use to this kind of pleasure so she was on the verge of crying and losing her voice out off this kind of pleasure she was getting, therefore Bryson went for 2 more rounds which made bryanna do something she never thought she was capable of doing which was.... Well how bout you guys guess 😌😏, after Bryson and bryanna had their session Bryson said....

Bryson: I would give you more but ion think your ready for that and u seem tired already

Bryanna: taking a few minutes to grasp her breath, " I-I'm tired as hell... My gosh

Bryson: even tho I was suppose to lose my virginity to u at least you were the first girl I've ever went down on or fingered 😉

Bryanna: could you ya know help me up

Bryson: sure I said while picking her up bridal style and placing her in the tub after I undressed her and turned on the water

Bryanna: Bryson what are we gonna do I feel like such a hoe

Bryson: how

Bryanna: well because I'm only in 12th grade and you just did something's which by the way we're amazing and then your engaged and ugh it's like ion regret it but then again I do only because I feel bad we keep doing this cuz karmas a bitch

Bryson: there's nothing to worry about I swear to u ok? If this helps we "won't" do anything else ok it's just hard because we're finally back to being bestfriends and for some reason since we're older it's like I could do more things with or to u

Bryanna: wel-
Ring ring 📞

Bryson: hol on " hello"


Bryson: I decided I wanted to take a walk


Bryson: it's not even a full month


Bryson: could you stop yelling I've been stressed all day

Michelle: doesn't seem like it but anyway are u still walking are u having a fun time

Bryson: yes I'm still walking

Michelle: so where did you leave your car then

Bryson: i dropped it off

Michelle: why at Bryanna's house tho

Bryson: huh 😳

Michelle: why at Bryanna's house huh Bryson

Bryanna: 😳😳😳😳😳😳😳

Michelle: Bryson you have 5 minutes to get down here into this damn car and the timer will be on starting now

Beep beep beep

Bryanna: this is why we need to stop now hurry up and go I said while drying myself off in my room with my door locked and closed

Bryson: I've never put on my clothes so fast before but now bry is mad. " bry I'm leaving"

Bryanna: I opened the door with sweats and a hoodie of course with undergarments and said bye rushing him downstairs and out

Michelle: do you want me to tell the police and your father on you cuz it seems as if that's what u want and do u really want me to take Harley from u

Bryson: no I'm sorry I promise just don't do any of that especially with Harley

Michelle: you have one more chance and let me tell u something the next time if your anywhere near bryanna I swear to u I'm going to do everything to u in the worst way you'll hate your life so think wisely

Bryson: you got it

Michelle: call her now

Bryson: I picked up the phone clicking on Bryanna's number waiting for her to answer

Bryanna: hello

Michelle: in a whisper " tell her  you only used her because the whole school said your a hoe and u wanted to see for yourself

Bryson: uh look Bryanna I'm sorry but I only uses u to see what u would feel like since the whole school said your a hoe

Bryanna: is Michelle telling you to say this

Bryson: no she's not I'm very serious

Bryanna: but u even said it yourself not to listen to the rumors 😓

Bryson: that was all part of the plan with your ex and Quincy

Bryanna: 😥😰 um well ok then

Bryson: bye

Beep beep beep

Michelle: good job acting babe I said while snatching his phone and throwing it out the window


Michelle: it's fine I got u a new one cheer up baby

Bryson: I just covered my face and ignored her

Bryanna: am I hurt? Yes but I know my Bryson and I'm going to figure out what's going on until then I'm going to eat ice cream, cry , and Netflix and chill with my Chris brown pillow😔

Inlove with my Bestfriend ( Bryson Tiller )Where stories live. Discover now