Chapter 2

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Bryson: So how long you been at this school

Bryanna: for some years now but it's not the same

Bryson: Why what happen

Bryanna: Long story

Bryson: we have study hall well according to the schedule so I have the time

Bryanna: I don't know you

Bryanna Thoughts: that's a damn lie

Bryson: who can I possibly tell I'm new if u forgot

Bryanna: well anyway 4 years ago my bestfriend moved away without telling me or trying to contact me and it just hasn't been the same. I haven't seen him since then and I miss him so much

Bryson: do you remember what he looks like or what his name is

Bryanna: he looks like u but u look like the older version of him and u got the same name as his

Bryson: what's his last name

Bryanna: why do u ask

Bryson: just curious

Bryanna: well it's tiller so what's yours

Bryson: William

Bryanna: oh really well tell me about yourself like where did u just come from

Bryson: I'm from CA my birthday is May 2 1994 and yeah so tell me about yourself

Bryanna: I'm from here which is Kentucky uh My birthday is January 12 I was born 1995 and i keep to myself always classy never trashy I'm a loner I only have one friend that u already met which was Victoria and yeah that's it

Bryson: interesting so u don't have a boyfriend

Bryanna: nope I think we all know why in this school I said in a low mumble

Bryson: and why is that

Bryanna: you heard me ?

Bryson: uh yeah but continue

Bryanna: well I'm not the average short girl that every guy wants I don't have the big ass that guys want or like to see I got a lil gut in my stomach and I don't show off my body or present myself that way

Bryson: so your basically insecure I said saying it bluntly

Bryanna: Uh well yeah 

Bryson: so no guy has ever found u attractive or gave u a compliment

Bryanna: the boy I was telling u about he use to tell me to stop being so insecure and have confidence. He always gave me compliments but once again he left me

Bryson: Do you think you could ever forgive him

Bryanna: no never

Bryson: but you just said that u missed him

Bryanna: yeah I do I miss and love him but I'm pretty sure he forgot about me

Bryson: you never know he probably still thinks about you ever since he left

Bryanna: trust me I'm pretty sure he forgot about me but its whatever. But anyway what about u have u ever had a bestfriend or a brotherly friendship  or sumn

Bryson: I had a girl bestfriend before but we not friends anymore once I moved to CA cuz before I lived in FL she never tried to call me once I even tried reaching out to her but still nothing

Bryanna: same but aye look the bell bout to ring so it's better to hurry up and get to our next class

Bryson: aight c'mon

Bryanna thoughts: I really miss him and I know this Bryson im talking to right now is the Bryson that left me and he found somebody new and that's why he forgot me plus he's lying to me because he's from freakin Kentucky like nigga u ain't lose the accent but he really did forget me 😔

Inlove with my Bestfriend ( Bryson Tiller )Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora