Attacking an innocent bystander.

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It was 7:00 at night, the moon was up. No signs of the sun, no light. Yet Gakushuu Asano decided to go on a walk during the cold winter night. He looked up at the falling snow. He had heard that Karma recently returned to school, he smiled. 'That idiot missed out to much, dumbass.', he thought to himself. He kept walking, not wanting to go home. He didn't want to see his father at all. He crossed the street and looked down a street he had never gone down before. He was filled with curiousity, he really wanted to go down the street. Eventually, his curiousity got the best of him, and down the street he went. "Shinji 126 Avenue, Wierd.. I've heard bad things about this street," he mumbled to himself as he walked down the street. He saw a girl grinning at him, her grin spread ear to ear. He just walked past her, he was getting scared now.
'That was creepy..', he thought to himself as he kept walking.
Then, he heard a voice.
"HEY! YOU!", a man?! Why was he yelling at him?!
He heard footsteps getting faster behind him, he started walking faster.
'Keep going, walk walk walk walk walk, turn, walk walk walk walk, Don't look back-', he then looked back, 'You fucking idiot!! Now this situation is worse!! Moron!', he thought to himself as he kept walking. He then heard the voice again,
"HEY YOU! WATCH OUT!!", he turned to see a man staring at him with wide eyes. Then, Gakushuu decided to turn around. He saw headlights. His eyes widened. He gasped but then the car slammed right into him, sending him straight to the ground as it ran over him. He screamed as he felt his wrist break, as well as his legs and right arm. He gasped for air, 'why is it so hard to breathe?!'
The car drove away, Gakushuu saw the man that warned him pull out his phone and call the police and an ambulance.
The pain was too intense, Gakushuu started to think that he should just give in to the pain. With tears streaming down his face and blood dripping down his head, out of his nose, and his mouth, he laid there in the snow.
The snow was no longer pure white. Now, it was pink. The blood had tinted it. His blood had tinted the beautiful pure snow. He felt his consciousness start leaving him as he smiled.


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