17. Not So Happy-Ever-After

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Two years had passed. Two whole years.

Emerald went on about her life, getting over David. She had to. She kept reminding herself that he was never hers to begin with. So she starting seeing Antonio. Surprisingly, that worked out for her favor. So much so that when he proposed to her on their one and a half year anniversary, she said yes. And now, she was getting married.

Upon her getting engaged, she also got a promotion, causing her job to be relocated. All the way to Miami, FL. Antonio and her had been living out here for about 7 months.

Gran had also found it in her to completely forgive her granddaughter. Especially finding out how her life had been turned around. Although Gran was happy for her only grandchild, she couldn't help but to wonder if she was really happy. She knew that what her and David had was wrong but she discovered that the reason for Emerald's unknown happiness was in-fact David. Gran just hoped that this was what Emerald really wanted.

David thought he had finally had his life together, almost. After finding out that the baby Ashlyn carried was not his, he dipped. The whole time Ashlyn had been having an affair for some years.

After divorcing her, he moved his business to Miami Beach, FL. He left behind the church, and most importantly his ex-wife. He landed himself a nice condo that had a beautiful view over the beach, and was enjoying his new life. But deep down inside, David knew something, more-like someone was still missing.

He thought about Emerald everyday, and he hoped that he would run into her. Although he missed her, he went out every now and then. Just like now, he was meeting a girl that he met through his friend, Rick. They were supposed to be meeting at a restaurant called Zuma. After getting dressed, he was on his way.

Emerald put on her earrings as she slid into her heels. She'd had a stressful day at work and Antonio was taking her out to take her mind off of things, plus it was his off day. 'That's why I love him', she thought, smiling to herself.

"You ready baby?!" Ant called from downstairs. "Yea!" she yelled back, grabbing her purse.

She walked downstairs, catching Ant's attention. "You look beautiful baby" he said, walking up to her and giving her a kiss. "Thank you" she replied, and gripped him tighter. She loved being in his arms, she felt so safe.

"Let's go" he said as he pulled away. After locking up, they headed to their favorite restaurant.

The drive to Zuma was not that long. They got out, and gave the valet the keys, walking into the restaurant hand-in-hand. They got to their booth, and ordered a bottle of wine. "So how's Aurora and Benecio?"

Benecio and Aurora Tegrossi were the definition of goals. They'd been together since they were sixteen years old, and after finding out that they were having Antonio, they got married.

They absolutely loved me and couldn't wait for their son to marry the woman of his dreams.

David sat in a booth, waiting for his date to arrive. He saw a girl walk up to his table. She had blonde hair, with tan-skinned, and appeared to have a ton of plastic surgery. He smiled politely. 'I'm gonna kill Rick' he thought to himself.

"Hi I'm Brittany" she extended her hand. "I'm David" I said, and took it. "You're more better looking than Rick described you" she said. "Thank you" I replied.

Twenty minutes into our conversation, I had thought of a total of 27 ways to kill Rick. "Excuse me, I have to go to the restroom" I said, and got up from the table.

Walking towards my destination, I saw a familiar face walk in the same direction as me. It couldn't be, it was, it was her. I walked a little faster, trying to catch up to her. I grabbed her arm, and she turned to me.

"Emerald?" My heart was beating out of my chest.

"David? Hi" she replied.

It had been so long. I didn't realize how much I missed her until now. I still felt the same love I felt for her the night I left her.

I hugged her, without thinking. "It's been so long" I whispered in her ear. She smelt so good. "I know" she chuckled awkwardly, bringing me back to reality.

I pulled away. "So what's going on with you? You're out here now?" I asked wanting to know what my baby had been doing these past two years.

"Yea I got a promotion, and my fiancé and I-"

"Fiancé?" I felt my heart shatter. She was engaged?

"Yes. Antonio and I are together again"

I didn't know what to say. My chances are ruined. She was getting married. The love of my life was getting married.

"Wanna come say Hi?" she asked.

"No, that's okay"

"Wait who are you here with?"

"A friend" I replied. "How's Ashlyn and the baby?" she asked.

"Long story" I answered. "Oh okay. Maybe we can catch up over lunch?"

I smiled widely but then Antonio crossed my mind. "You sure your fiancé would be okay with that?"

She laughed, "Of course David" I just smiled awkwardly. "Here take my card and give me a call when you're free" she said handing me a white business card.

"It was nice seeing you David" she said, hugging me. "You too"

"Take care" she said and kissed my cheek. I watched her walk away. Brittany walked up to me, breaking me from my thoughts. "Wanna go back to my place?" she asked.

I needed to relieve myself so I said yes. The whole time I thought about Emerald. I even whispered her name when I finally found my release.

"That was so good David" Brittany said as she stroked my chest. I smiled, but I had one thing on my mind. How I was gonna get the love of my life back.

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