Chapter 25: Recognizing The Alpha

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Chapter 25

"Right, so what do we have to do." Amias asked, drumming his fingers on the beat up table in the cabin.

"Well, she wants a war. We'll give her one." Lux said, putting her elbows on the table.

"We need to round up all those who would be willing to put their lives on the line." I said, spinning a twig around my fingers.

"My old pack might. I mean, they want a war as much as we do now. I'd think they would comply." Thomas said, sounding excited.

"And what about my old pack?" I asked, looking at Stark.

"Well, they might? I mean, I know a few people who don't like Jones, and would much rather help us out." Stark said, playing with his fingers.

"Right. Um. We might need a few other people. But that's if they'd help me out at all." I said, looking down, the twig spinning paused.

"Who? You know another pack?" Lux asked, surprised.

"Yeah. Emma's pack. But I'm not sure they would help." I said honestly.

"Why not? Emma did come from them, they should help." Amias stated.

"They kicked us out. Emma being my mate was a bit of a betrayal to them. After what I did. Or rather what I planned. And maybe they'd hate you too if you guys went with me. After all, you did invade them." I said with remorse.

"That was her old pack!?" Lux exclaimed, jumping up from her seat.

"Yeah, they're a passive pack. But once they're shown something like what I did, they don't remain passive for long. So that's why I have to go, because they know me already. And I wouldn't want to put you guys in danger. There is a rather angry guy there that got in a brawl with me and Emma." I said, smiling when I remembered that just before we left, Emma punched Daniel so hard, he fell over.

"When do we leave?" Thomas asked me, his voice rising a bit.

"You're coming?" I asked, confused.

"Yeah, it's the only way I could talk to my old pack." He said, squinting.

"Right then. Um Lux and Amias, see if there are other members who'd like to help out." I informed them.

"On it." Lux said, she grabbed Amias by his sleeve and pulled him from his seat.

"Stark. Travel to other packs of the Faded Loyals and see if they would want to help out too. But keep it a low profile." I said.

"Got it." He said and took off.

"Let's go kid. We got punches to face." I said, hopping from my seat.

"Don't you mean, faces to punch?" Thomas asked, his voice telling me that he was clearly confused.

"No, if I go back to Emma's pack, I'll probably suffer some punches, a few broken limbs, maybe an ending to my life. But I mean, I gotta try for Emma, right?" I let out a nervous chuckle.

"Right, Well, I'll go with you, that way you won't suffer a death." He chuckled too and pushed me.


We knew where we were going, so thankfully, it only took about four hours before we got to Emma's old pack house. The last time I saw this place, the dirt was torn up and the grass was plucked.

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