Chapter 23: Gone

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Hey guys! It's out after like 5 million years! haha Hope you like it guys. x

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Jensen's POV

"We should hold hands." I said raising my eyebrows at her suggestively.

"You won't give it up will you." she sighed.

"Oh Emma, I gave it up a long time ago." I smirked and she smacked my arm.

I let the subject fall but it surprised me when she grabbed my hand. I looked at her, and she looked back with and obvious are-you-happy-now? look.


"Are we there yet?" I whined.

"Well, it's not a specific address, and we passed the sign that said Everwood Drive. Don't worry Jensen we're almost there." she gave my hand a squeeze, and my wolf and I were soon happy and perky. 


My head throbbed. And it was a massive throbbing that made me want to kill myself. Though this memory seemed to pulse lively. And I don't know why.

Everwood Drive... Why does that seem so important?

My eyes flicked open but quickly closed when a bright light was to much too handle.

"Oh good, you're awake." Said a male voice.

I placed my hands over my eyes and opened them to see a young guy. Probably two, three years younger than me.

"Who are you?" I asked, slightly cautious.

"Ah shit. Jensen. you forgot your memory?" the male said, dropping his head.

Jensen. That's me. I'm Jensen.

"But seriously, who are you." I asked again, this time more seriously.

"It's me, Thomas." He said pointing at himself.

I didn't say anything because nothing happened.

"I kissed a tree?" He said, sounding embarrassed.

"No. Sorry." I sat up, my head throbbing still.

"Why would you kiss a tree?" I asked, wondering.

"Your mate told me to do so..." he said, cocking his head to the side.

"It was a dare?" He asked, his voice pitching higher.

"I had a mate?" I asked, surprised.

"Shit. Okay dude? You've been out for two days. You've gotten enough sleep, though maybe the first few minutes, you were probably dead. You haven't found Emma yet, and you need to now. So dig deep in your head and try to remember anything that could help us find her." He said sternly.

"Anything?" I asked cautiously.

"Yeah, if it helps." He said, his eyebrows shooting up and giving me a deep-in-thought look.

"Well, I was joking around with this girl, really pretty light brunette girl... " I trailed off, thinking about her, about Emma, and how much I wanted to hold her hand.

"Hey dude," Thomas snapped.


"Get back with what you were saying." He said, sounding annoyed.

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