How can i tell you?

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After blair thought i was pregnant i told my mom, she had been disappointed but she made me appointment. When we got there i was nervous what if i was really pregnant she i keep the baby? or give it up. My mother said if i was to be pregnant she wants me to keep it i told her "i am not fit to be a mom" but she just looked at me and said "it's not my fault you didn't use protection". When my name was called i got up and went to the room where the nurse had me go. My mother followed behind us the nurse told me that my doctor would be in a soon as she done with the other patient.
*20 minutes later*
The doctor came in sat down and looked at her computer for a while till she finally got up.she started to exam me.
"How are you today asher?" Dr.freckrides said
"Im good" i said
"Okay i will exam you..." She said as she examed me
"Okay" i said
"So i have some good news." Dr.frechrides said
"She's pregnant?" My mom asked
"Yes she is."Dr.freckrides said
"Lovely." I said looking nervous
How was i gonna tell nate that i was pregnat it wasn't gonna be hard to tell blair and avery but nate would be hard.
I grabbed my phone and texted nate. I told him we needed to talk. When i got to the place i wanted to meet up he walked up and he tried to kiss me i just blocked his kiss and told him to sit down.
"Is everything alright?" He said grabbing my hand
"I don't know how to tell you this..." I said looking down
"What is it?" He said
"I-I-I'm pregnant...." I said as i started to cry
"Why are you crying being pregnat isn't that bad and i will be there every step of the way."he said simling
"Really?" I said looking up
"Yes"he said wiping away my tears
I then said i had to go and gave him and kiss and a hug when i left he wouldn't stop looking at me and he wouldn't stop smiling I couldn't believe he was okay with this I didn't expect it to be so good. When i got home i had a miss call from blair i called her back we talked for about an hour. I told her that it wouldn't be a good idea to tell anyone else. We agreed and then hung up on each other i then went to have family dinner with my dad and mom brother and sister. It was slient no one said anything we just ate are dinner it was very weird are dinners never were quite unless something was up.
"Why is it so quite" connie asked
"Asher would you like to tell everyone" my mom said
"Uhhhh no im fine." I said looking at my food
"What is it honey?" My dad asked
"Uh how do i tell you guys this...."i said
"SHE'S PREGNANT!" My mom yelled
I looked down hoping my dad didn't disown me.
"Your what"my dad looked at me
"Im pregnat dad i know your disappointed but please don't disown me." I said
"What on earth would i disown you I'm disappointed but i would never disown you." He said
"Did you tell nate hun?" My looked at me
"He told me that he would be with every step of the way." I said
"Just don't tell anyone at school asher"connie said
"Well no dip" i laughed
"Their going to notice."connie said
I stood up and walked to the door frame "you act like i wanted this to happen." And i walked to room i took a shower and went to bed my feet hurt badly my back hurt everything hurt. I wasn't ready to go to school at all i just feel like me and nate rushed everything. I had no clue what was going to happen tomorrow but i guess we'll find out. When it was 6 in the morning i had a phone call from avery and blair we talk till 7 and blair meant with me at my house and we walked. We walked into school, nate seen me and i kinda just wanted to avoid him but I just went to see him blair went to her locker. "See you 3rd hour" she said i just smiled and walked over to nate.
"How's the b-" i cut him off
"Shh I don't want people knowing." I said covering his mouth
"Ah i love seeing you like this." He said smiling
"Haha your funny I'm not such a sexy person anymore." I said laughing
Avery walked up to me and nate. She grabbed my arm and pulled me away walking with me down the hallway. "Bye nate" i waved and smiled.
"Is it true?" Avery asked
"Yes I'm pregnant." I whispered
"Im gonna be a auntie!" She yelled jumping up
"Shh not the whole school needs to know yet anyways." I said stoping her in the hallway
"Well im just so dang happy it's a good thing your pregnant then you'll be more like me. She laughed
"Your pregnant?" Tracey asked
"Uh"i said
Me and avery looked at each other as the halls were getting empty. We whispered to each other what we were gonna do. We then walked up to tracey and put are hands over her hands. Pushed her into the girls bathroom and locked the bathroom door we then grabbed her by her hair and pushed her on the floor.
"You know asher maybe we should...kill her so that way she doesn't tell anyone about your little sercet." Avery said smiling waving her knife already in a cricle
"Maybe we should." I said grabbing her knife
"Please! I won't tell anyone I promise." She begged
"Oh tracey we know how you are and even when you say you won't tell anyone you still tell people." We both said
"Please"she screamed
I covered her mouth told her to be quite or this wouldn't go so good for her. She wouldn't stop screaming so i just grabbed the knife and stabbed her. I then back away did i really just kill someone.
"Avery what did i just do." I asked
"Oh you just stabbed tracey in the eye and then in the heart like five times."she said laughing
"What are we going do?" I asked
"We just leave her here." She said
"Really just leave her here like this with the knife." I asked
"We will clean the knife off and i will keep it."she said
"I can't believe i killed someone!" I yelled
"Shh dont want anyone to hear ?" She asked
"Well no."
"Then sh"
We clean the knife off and lefted the bathroom when 3rd hour came everyone went to class. 15 minutes into class the announcements came on it stated that someone found tracey lackey dead in the 4th bathroom everyone was sad or speak less. Blair looked at me then mouthed the words "check your phone" i grabbed my phone and seen the message.
"Did you and avery do something you didn't tell me about."
"Well um let's see i may have killed her."
"I'm sorry but she overheard me and avery talking about my pregnancy"
"-.- oh my lord"
"No we can't keep doing this soon every girl will be dead"
"We can live with that"
"-.- no we can't we need girls"
"Fuck girls we need more boys"
"Yeah but we need girls so that way not all guys turn gay on us"
"It's true"
"I know"
We then finally stopped texting me blair and avery meant up and talked this out we agreed to try not to kill anyone. For now anyways

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