Chapter 3. New Flames. Old Cinders.

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I walked to the only tavern in Noble; a city of lavishness, and it has only one measly watering hole. But I digress, the place was full of good people; despite how lavish and rich it seemed, it was a good place with good people who would give anything for someone in need.
I walked into the bar, Yesenia, Gearalt and Ryan all posted up at a booth. Yesenia sees me, smiles and waves me over. I see her and walk to the table. "So?" Gearalt asks. "How'd it go?" He asks.
I plop the bags of gold pieces on the table, and his eyes light up. "You aren't losing faith in me now, are you Gearalt?" I ask with a smile as I pull my hood foreword, concealing my face behind a thin veil of shadow. He takes his bag and groans happily. "Hooooly shit..." He says to himself.
"Did you figure out how you're gonna split up yours?" Ryan asks from across me. "Decided to keep it. That's a room in a stormy night. Or a carriage on a hot day," I reply. "You?" I ask. "Well, I didn't have any plans as of yet," she says trying to look away.
"Well you're all welcome to come with me to Vytal," I say leaning foreword, folding my hands on the table. "What's in Vytal?" Gearalt asks. "Old buddy of mine," I say stirring a cup of freshly placed tea on the table, "I have to talk with him."
"Uh-oh," Yesenia smirks. "Boyfriends gonna break up?" She says with a snicker. "No, actually, he and I are celebrating an anniversary. And how upset you must be, not being able to watch," I tease.
"'No, I have to talk to him about some things I've been experiencing. Dreams and such," I say, closing the subject. "And you're all welcome to leave with me tomorrow," I urge.
"Hey, it's been a long time since I've been back in Vytal," Gearalt says. "I'll tag along." "Me too," Yesenia pipes up. I look at Ryan. "Offers open, if you still wanna hang around," I say cooly.
Ryan tapped her fingers on the table. She looked up, a small twinge of fire in her eye. "Wouldn't miss it for the world," she said with a smile. Now, normally, this wouldn't concern me much. I was glad she was happy, even smiled for the first time in a few months.
But she did, and that's what threw me off. It's not that she did, but that SHE did. I wondered what I had done to instill her reaction, but decided to play it off. Hopefully the trek to Vytal would open our relationship more.
We all sat and talked amongst ourselves in the bar for a few hours until we decided it was time to go, there was things to buy, after all. Gearalt, his rifle. Yesenia, her armor and sword. I peered at Ryan, hiding her face beneath her hood like me.
"Ryan," I asked her softly, our telepath silent to all others. "I told you not to plug yourself into my head," she said annoyed. "Ryan, what's going on. Can you sense something? Someone?" I ask sternly.
I see her visibly shake and tremble. This strikes fear in me, and soon we hear a commotion as people begin to clear the streets and we are told, "HALT!" by a young woman with an entourage of three more. "Uh-oh," I say looking down, trying to conceal myself.
They were all adorned in leather gear, loose around the places it needed to be loose. And tight where it needed to be tight. They were soldiers of some kind. "Every one play it cool. Go along with them, they're probably Huntresses," I say via telepath to the team.
"We are Huntress team SABR! And we demand to know the business of the mysterious cloaked figures who just blew into our sleepy little town!" Their leader called as the other three stood cross armed behind her. "If they didn't have swords at their hips I'd say this is the most adorable thing I've seen all week," I say to the others. "Not helping Orange," Yesenia sneers. "Gearalt, you're our leader, so say something, I'm trying to think," I say urging him along as he groans.
"Listen honey, we're doin what everyone else is doin in Noble," he says opening his hands dramatically. "Not like that," I swear. "We're here on business. Now why don't you be a good little girl, and keep your nose, outta what ain't yours," Gearalt says, gnashing his teeth.
The girls eyes flash and she stomps the ground, shouting, "How dare you! Team SABR, attack! Drive them out of Nobel!" They all rush at us, drawing swords and pistols.
"You fucking idiot Gearalt!" I shout as one of the girls attacks me. "Hey! I was polite!" He shouts as he blocks the very girl he insulted. The skirmish continues for a few moments until I see Ryan collapse under the blow of her attacker.
I rushed for her, covering her as I blocked the girl Ryan was fighting and the girl I was fighting stormed me, taking out my legs. I shout and slam my hands on the ground. Our attackers are halted, mid-strike, as I hold my hands on the ground.
"Now listen to me team SABR," I shout and motion my team to stand with my chin and head. "I have connection to the Dust in the ground beneath your feet. I have your feet; and have thus rendered immobile. I would not test my power," I say standing up. Looks of fear cross their faces, and beads of sweat roll down their cheeks.
"But know this," I say raising my hand. "I, nor are my team, GYRO, here to cause you harm." I say snapping my fingers. Their bodies unfreeze, and they spring back to life, nearly forgetting they were once fighting us.
"Remind me to remind you to teach me how to do that," Gearalt says sheathing his sword. "Remind me to remind you that you need to practice for a thousand years before you ever learn how," I say with an ever so slight hint of disscontempt that he thinks he can just learn all I have strived for.
"Now talk to them," I say before slapping my hand on his shoulder, "and for fuck's sake be nice." He smiles deviously, but I knew he'd have it handled.
"As my friend here said, we're Team GYRO," he says. "Names Gearalt. These two are Yesenai and Ryan," he says as Yesenia and Ryan present themselves with courteous bows. "And you already met Orange Blaze," he says motioning to me.
"Well, like I said, we're Team SABR. I'm Sabrina," their leader says. "These are Ashei, Biena and Reiko," she says, introducing us. They we all clad in their leather armor, now slightly dusted and scuffed.
"A pleasure, SABR," Gearalt says diplomatically. "And here I was thinking there was no hope for a fool like you," I say walking past him as Yesenia smiles. "But perhaps we could continue the introductions somewhere a little more private? Like the bar?" I suggest.
"Or a hotel room," Ryan jokes. "Wow, who hit your funny button?" I chuckle.
Team SABR lead us to their safe house; a stone building where all Huntsman and Huntresses go to rest their feet and gather themselves. We step inside; our capes and hoods throwing off the general look of the local warriors.
"Seems like we're famous," Yesenia says looking around. "Thank Gearalt," I say as he chuckles, "look who's talking, handsome. I see a lot of girls who haven't taken their eyes off you." I roll my eyes, "let them look all they want," I say to the others, "I have no patience for the games these," I pause, searching for my word, "children insist upon playing with one another. I shall have no part in it," I say as adult-like as possible.
We all sat back in a booth; a double booth, so our new friends had room to sit as well. "So, what's your business in Noble GYRO?" Sabrina asks. "Turning in a bounty," Gearalt replies, "little wizard over there caught wind of some Marauders in the old chapel," he explains as I grimace at what he called me.
"Did you take 'em out?" Reiko asks with fascination. "Did we take 'em out," Gearalt laughs lowly. "Oh yeah. We took 'em out," he smiles, "Orange over there even burned a few of them. To ASH," he exaggerates.
"Is this true? Little wizard?" Biena asks. I wanted to ping Gearalt's head off a lamp post. "True as blue," I reply softly. "But I don't want to discuss that," I stern.
For nearly 4 hours, Yesenia, Ryan and I sat and listened to Gearalt sweet talk all 4 of these girls; from his exaggerated stories of heroism, wounds he suffered that "put him in medical books", he claimed, and of course they went gaga over his scars. But all that changed when someone brought up what happened to us last night.
"You adda see what Orange took last night," Yesenia says looking at me. "Took six swords between his ribs." The girls all gasp and clamor to me, "is it true?! How are you alive?!" They squealed and shouted. I rubbed my face in my palm for a moment before I confirmed them.
"Yes, six swords, between the ribs, lots of blood, yada yada yada," I say waving my hand. I dared not discuss the Reacher. That would have thrown the entire city into a frenzy.
"As fun as this has been, however," I say standing up, "I must retire. I'm exhausted. I'd imagine we all are too," I say looking at Gearalt, Yesenia and Ryan. "What're you? Our mom?" Gearalt says mocking. "I outta be," I sneer, "But remember, we're leaving for Vytal tomorrow morning. You ain't up by dawn, this train is leaving," I say standing up from the table. "SABR, it was a pleasure," I smile.
I sigh as I leave, hearing the commotion from Gearalt and the girls. I make my way to the hotel, and fish for the key in my pocket. "Room 31," I repeat as I head inside.

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