Chapter 1. Wolf In Sheeps.

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"And so on this today, do we welcome our most illustrious guest!" The priest hollered in the chapel. Torches lined the walls, robbed men stood in lines over pews. It was pouring rain outside.
There were four of us amongst these deviants. We thought they were just Marauders needing taken care of; but I soon discovered them to be far more sinister. "We beg you, come forth! Greatest of of Gods!" the priest bellowed again. The chapel was silent.
Rain pitter pattered on the roof. We could hear the torches burn and crack. A bead of sweat rolled down my cheek as I stood up and walked down the row. I looked out among the robes, scanning for my comrades. "Gearalt, Ryan, Yesenia," I mouthed silently as I trotted foreword.
I stepped upon the small stand, and raised my hands. Fire erupted from my finger tips, the priest hissed and drew his sword. The robbed men in the audience did the same.
"I suppose..." I whisper, "this eliminates the possibility of a peaceful resolution," I smile as my eyes flash and I send forth fire and flames.
My allies raised their defenses as the men burned. They shouted and screamed as they fell to ash. Make no mistake, they deserved this fate. They intended to sacrifice a child to a horrible demon creature.
I saw this. I had to prevent it. And I entangled my team because of a possible payout. Eliminate the Marauders in the old chapel.
The fire on my fingers dies down, my gloves unburned, I slowly slip off my hood. What was once men, nearly 50 in all with armor under robes, with swords and steel, was now piles of ash. My team stands up, Gearalt starts. "Damn," he chuckles as he takes off his hood, "like damn I didn't know you could do this."
"You shouldn't doubt," Yesenia smirks and slips off her hood. "Especially him," she winks at me as I descend the step from the stage. "Please don't inflate my ego," I chuckle. "Last thing god-like power needs is god-like confidence."
I had my restraints, you see. Only as it is necessary. I wanted to help people. And I could this time by burning all of these deviants.
"Topaz, we should get going," Ryan says to me, her hood still up, her voice staunch despite her delicately young appearance. "The storm isn't letting up," she says worried.
"The storm isn't what I'm worried about," I say as I hear a thunder crack and lightning fills the room with a sharp light. I see a shadow creep on the wall.
"Uh..." Gearalt stammers, "the fuck was that?"
"Our cue to leave!" I say rushing us all outside as I hear it screech. It whips the air sharply, throwing the pews and piles of dust into the air. We all stumble outside as it throws out capes in a flutter.
     Outside we are soon drenched and it screeches again. It's undying sound. Piercing like glass in our ears. "Leave! NOW!" I demand as we storm off north, toward the villa of Noble.
     The thing lashes out at us, snapping at my cape. "The hell is this thing?!" Yesenia shouts through the pouring rain. "It's a Reacher! Those Marauders were summoning it!" I reply as it snarls behind us.
      We were traveling deeper into the forest between cities, and it was making me uneasy. Knowing it was right behind us. Reachers are horrible creatures. Summoned by evil men to drag the innocent to their undying death. I don't regret killing those Marauders. I regret not sniffing out the blight sooner.
     We were a good 5 miles in at this point, all of us keeping pace, when we noticed something. Something that soon gnawed and knotted at our stomachs. We saw the chapel.
     Just as we had come upon it mere hours ago. It still had its lonely lantern under its porch. We slowed our pace, knowing full well what was causing this deja vu. And what we had to do to finish it.
     "So, Topaz," Gearalt says with a nervous confidence, "you seem to know what it is. Any battle plans?" He asks as he draws his sword. Yesenia raises her shield and Ryan's gown begins to waft. Her gift of magic was coming along nicely enough it seemed.
     "Don't let it behind you," I say plainly as I raise my hand. Light springs from my fingers. "It won't hesitate to rip you asunder. Don't hesitate to do the same," I say.
In amidst the pattering of the rain, the Reacher snarls at us. It's growls and hisses are of anticipation. "Do your worst creature," I taunt lowly.
In the second before lightning flashes, it's scream echoed in the forest and it charged us. We all buckled under its roar, covering our ears. It swiped past us, cleaving into my side. I fall to my knees, clutching my wound, my hand glowing in my attempt to recover.
It comes back, Ryan standing just in front of me, as if defending me. The Reacher sees past the wall my companions have made and locks its eyes with me. It cracks its tooth-ridden face into a deviously small smile. It charges, ducking and weaving between Yesenia and Gearalt.
Ryan's eyes burn and she lights the ground around her, light springing up. The Reacher bobs and weaves between the gouts of light, intent upon its target. It drags its claws along the ground, coughing up wet dirt.
In between gouts of light, it springs up, claws out akimbo, for me. I'm just able to reach down Ryan's hip to take her knife before I feel it slam into my chest. We roll and tumble in the rain before it screams again and buries its claws into my abdomen.
I shout in pain and in response, shoot my hand clutching Ryan's knife blade first up, piercing the beasts jaw. It's scream is abruptly cut off as its blood splatters next to me. I push it off of me, the life leaving its eyes.
"Topaz!" Ryan screams. "I'm alright..." I gasp. "I'm alright... Just, give me a moment..."

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