Chapter 12 Graduation Part 1 Veil is Down

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It's been 2 days since Stefan is kill and Alucard is awake, Marie and Annabelle left, Tyler come over to the house to see Katrina 6 times the last to days. Andrea and Michael still remain broke up but Michael still doesn't know that Andrea and Sky have slept together. Janet, Katherine and Vanessa are gone again but they are sill in town.

Tyler arrives at the Hanson Mansion where Andrea, Amy and Katrina have been staying at since Janet burn down the Gomez House

Tyler knock on the door hoping to be Katrina 

"Hi Katrina " Tyler say

"Tyler ? What are you doing here again ? " Katrina say

"I come to see how Andrea and Amy are doing ? " Tyler say

"We are doing fine Tyler " Katrina say

"Okay " Tyler say

"Tyler why you have been here for 2 days ? " Katrina say

"Well to see how Andrea and Amy are doing " Tyler say

"Besides that " Katrina say

"Well I " Tyler say

Tyler just went for it he kisses Katrina

"I like you " Tyler say

Tyler kiss Katrina again

"Since when you like me ? " Katrina say

"Since we first meet " Tyler say

"Really ? " Katrina say

"Yeah " Tyler say

"I though you and Tess were dating " Katrina say

"We use to date but after Tessa death she become more bitchy " Tyler say

"But you don't like vampires " Katrina say

"I do now " Tyler say

Katrina look at Tyler

"My niece, nephews and my former sister-in-law are vampires so yeah I like vampires now " Tyler say

"But is your brother cool with you dating a vampire ? " Katrina say

"Well after Janet he is cool with it " Tyler say 

"Katrina will you go on a date with me tomorrow ? " Tyler say

"Yes " Katrina say

"Good I pick you up at 7 " Tyler say

"K " Katrina say

"I see tomorrow tonight Kit Kat " Tyler say

"Kit Kat ? " Katrina say

"A little nickname for you " Tyler say

Katrina watch Tyler get into his car and drove off

Tyler got back to the Jackson Boarding House

Tyler comes in and sees Joseph and Tess there

"How it went ? " Joseph say

"She totally brought it " Tyler say

"Good " Tess say

"The plan is working fine " Joseph say

"Soon we will seal away the vampires in this town " Joseph say

"We will round up all the vampires " Tess say

"I make sure that Janet, Michael and Sky won't be here " Joseph say

"So on the list are Tatiana, Katherine, Vanessa, Vicky, Katrina, Alucard and Andrea " Tess say

"What about Mavis and Marie ? " Tyler say

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