Chapter 2 Micheal and Andrea's Hard Decision

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"Dear dairy today I start my new life as a vampire since yesterday I have complete the transition. I'm now a new vampire and I'm in love with 2 different guys. The first one is Micheal Jackson and the other one is Sky Jackson, Micheal's half younger brother. I don't know who I should chose Micheal or Sky. This may sound so stupid but I need to have sex with Sky or kiss him " Andrea say writing in her dairy

"And P.S. Janet is getting worst each day ever since Andrew's death, she become different. Janet start to drink, stay up late, crying to all night before she fall asleep like Janet is not herself anymore. I'm afraid that Stefan may be right Janet will shut off her humanity switch someday and kill anyone who stands in her way. Janet will snap probably anytime soon " Andrea say writing in her dairy

Andrea go on her cell and text Sky. Andrea text Sky to come in her room now and Sky agrees to it. Andrea got up of her bed and close the close and than lock just in case. Andrea than lock the bathroom to her room just in case to. Andrea got back on her bed and wait for Sky to show up. Andrea was starting to fall asleep and after 5 minutes have past Andrea feel cold all suddenly.

"What the hell ? " Andrea say

Andrea sees the window open letting the cold in

"Sorry if I let the window open " Sky say. Sky was sitting down in a chair

"Sky ? What the hell you scare me " Andrea say

"Sorry " Sky say. Skygot up and walk over to Andrea

"So what you want ? " Sky say

"Sky there's something I need to ask you " Andrea say

"Okay what is it ? " Sky say

"Will you go on a date with you this Saturday ? " Andrea say

"You want to go on a date with me ? " Sky say

"Yes " Andrea say

"What about Micheal ? " Sky say

"Micheal doesn't should know about our little date " Andrea say

"It will be our little secret " Andrea say

"Okay " Sky say

"So " Andrea say

"Yes I would love to go on a date with you " Sky say

"Yes " Andrea say

"I see you on Saturday for our date " Sky say

"Sky ? " Andrea say

"Yeah ? " Sky say

Andrea walk up to Sky and kisses him. Andrea and Sky look at each other and than they kiss again. Andrea and Sky back up on the bed and they are making out on the bed. Sky takes off his jacket and Andrea take off her shirt. Both Sky and Andrea was going to take off each other pants when a knock interrupted them

"Andrea ? " Amy say

"Yeah ? " Andrea say

"Are you coming down for dinner ? " Amy say

"Yeah I was waiting but I must fall asleep " Andrea say

"I be right down " Andrea say

"Okay " Amy say

"I go " Sky say

"Sky don't tell Micheal about the date and the kiss " Andrea say

"Okay " Sky say

"And Andrea you should drink from the vein " Sky say

"Really ? You think ? " Andrea say

"Yeah " Sky say

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