Fourth Day.

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"Why can't spring break get here fast enough?" Ashley questioned sitting at the lunch table, it was only the first week of school and he was ready for a break..? I shook my head with a soft smile, he was unbelievable sometimes.
"Do you have plans or something..?" Kayla asked, picking at her salad; I glanced to it to only raise a brow at the amount of dressing she put on there.
"Did you get enough dressing?" I questioned now.
Kayla looked to me. "It wasn't enough, the lunch lady told me the other students needed ranch dressing." She said with a pout.
I rolled my eyes then looked to Ashley waiting for a answer.
Ashley looked to us, "well; I am trying to convince my uncle to let me have his lake house for the week, I was planning on bringing you guys too; I doubt Andy and the others would want to come" He told us.
I looked to Kayla who was already grinning. "I'm sure my mom wouldn't care." She said.
Ashley grinned with a nod. "Excellent, I'll bother my uncle some more about it" He declared.
I nodded with a smile.
The rest of the day ended up flying by, none of the classes gave us much homework; and like usual. Me and Kayla took our homework to the library to work on, the guys all left after school to go play pool. I swear, the homework never came first to any of them.
We walked inside of the quiet building, teenagers were at tables on leaning against bookshelves studying or reading. We took a seat at a empty table, then took out our homework.

Kayla looked at me. "I'll help you with oceanography, and you help me with English." She said
I nodded at her then nodded. "Alright."
The two of us took this quite serious, with Kayla being the head of student council and the captain of basketball; she had to take her school work serious or else it would end bad on her school activities.
After what seemed like three hours of homework, I yawned with a stretch; it was getting dark outside and all of the students were gone.
I looked to Kayla who was still writing nonstop, I chuckled softly. "Let's go get something from the cafeteria, then come back and finish up." I told her.
Kayla smiled softly, removing herself from the chair; we walked down the hall and headed to the school cafeteria. Our school was pretty awesome, they never locked up the library or cafeteria; because they knew they had students like me and Kayla.
We walked inside the dark cafeteria and looked around, I rubbed my arms with a soft frown.
"This place gives me the chills when its dark and spooky like this." I murmured.
Kayla looked to me with a grin.
I looked to her. "I mean, what if there are some vampires.. or zombies.. or.. OBAMA WAITING TO ATTACK, OH MY GOD I DON'T WANNA DIE IN A PLACE THAT I LOVE" I yelled.
I winced feeling Kayla's hand slam over my mouth with a soft glare. "Shut up! Someone's going to think you're being murdered!" She hissed.
I removed her hand from my mouth. "First off, your hand smells like pencil; secondly. That was the idea." I said with a grin.
Kayla rolled her eyes as we walked into the kitchen.
I looked around. "Oh, I wonder what the lunch ladies are serving tomorrow.." I murmured then walked over to the menu, my eyes landed on the Friday.
"For breakfast, we will be having. Cereal, eggs or pancakes; for lunch its tacos or hamburgers." I informed the other.
Kayla was rummaging through the shelves before grinning deviously. I watched as she pulled the chips down, she passed me a bag of spicy Doritos; even though it was hell for my acid reflux, she took out a bag of lays then walked over to the fridge where the drinks were.
She grabbed a chocolate milk, I grabbed a white one; we walked back down the hall then took our seats at the table again to resume the work.

[Markimoo22]: It's so boring when the girls aren't on.
[PartyKing66]: Why don't you whine about it?
[Markimoo22]: I just might.
[Septic02]: Please, don't.
[Jeremy5]: We can always go back to the bar to play pool..
[ThatWeirdKid03]: Er, we kind of got kicked out; remember?
[ParyKing66]: I blame Mark.
[Markimoo22]: Sure, blame the guy with glasses.
[Septic02]: We could always go check up on the girls..?
[PartyKing66]: You don't want to go bother the nerds, especially when their studying.
[ThatWeirdKid03]: He has a point.
[Markimoo22]: What if their dead..? Oh my god, why would I even say that?
[Jeremy5]: You're such a good boyfriend, Mark.
[Markimoo22]: ;~;
[Septic02]: All in favor to check on the girls?
[PartyKing66]: Guys, they are big girls; Haley has a stun gun, Kayla has her girl nails.
[Markimoo22]: Those are pretty deadly.
[Jeremy5]: Of course you'd know that.
[Markimoo22]: Well.. I am her boyfriend after all, ;)
[PartyKing66]: No one needs to know..
[Kaylay4]: Obama killed Haley.
[ThatWeirdKid03]: Um.. come again?
[Kaylay4]: Y'know, the president man that no one likes? Yeah. He killed Haley.
[Markimoo22]: Was it a slow death?
[Bunny04]: Rude, I didn't get killed by our old president, he was mentioned in a questioned and it pissed me off.
[ThatWeirdKid03]: I am glad to know our old president didn't really kill you.
[Bunny04]: You guys are such blondes.
[Septic02]: I am glad none of us are blonde, or I'm sure that would end kind of bad.
[Bunny04]: Sorry not sorry.
[Markimoo22]: Did Ashley and Jayy die?
[PartyKing66]: You wish I was dead.
[Septic02]: Oh.
[Jeremy5]: No, I was taking a piss; didn't know you guys would have cared so much.
[Jeremy5]: Oh guys! Tomorrow is hamburger day!
[PartyKing66]: Yaassss
[Kaylay4]: Me and Haley already knew this.
[PartyKing66]: Congratulations! Let's celebrate with a magic trick! Pick a number.
[Kaylay4]: Um.. 7?
[PartyKing66]: Square it.
[Kaylay4]: I am already beginning to regret this.. 49..
[PartyKing66]: Now, divide it by the original number.
[Kaylay4]: Sigh, I think I know how this is going to end.
[PartyKing66]: Divide it by its original number..
[Kaylay4]: 7
[PartyKing66]: Now, take away the original number.
[Kaylay4]: :l.... 0
[PartyKing66]: Congratulations! You have reached the amount of fucks I give!
[Kaylay4]: Fucking rude.
[Bunny04]: Ash, are you on your man period?
[PartyKing66]: Bitch, I might be.
[Markimoo22]: Well, I am cutting this conversation short. Tomorrow is Friday, which means; the weekend will be here. I'd like to support my girlfriend, but she has a larger pair when it comes to arguing with Ash.
[Jeremy5]: He has a fair point.
[PartyKing66]: I'm out, night guys!

I watched as my friends said their goodbyes as I yawned softly; it's been a long day, and I was a little glad it was going to be the weekend. I needed a break.

Chapter Five will be up either later tonight or sometime tomorrow.. if not, then Sunday will be when I update again. This chapter was slightly shorter than the other ones, so I will try to make the other one longer.
Until then.

/Song played: MGMT "Kids"\

According To You.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang