Ch.1 Say my name Say my name!

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Hi everyone! This is technically my new book. I deleted my other book Never Ending because I didn't have a plot for it. For this book I have a plot so it will actually be good. This chapter and chapter 2 is pretty much the same thing as the 1st and second chapter in Never Ending, for all y'all hotties who read Never Ending. Don't skip these 2 because it will be a little bit different though. Okay gonna shut up now! Oh and btw for all you peeps who didn't read Never Ending my name is Jadyn but I like being called Jade so yeah.....I am Jade!! hehe! okay now......Read!

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"Hey Li Li!"

"Coriander please don't call me that, you know I don't like it"

"You may not like it but I am thoroughly enjoying making you annoyed"

"I hate you"

"I love you too Lisa, mwah" I smugly responded

"What was the heck was that sound?" Lis asked

"Helllllooooo! It was a kiss! Duh guuurl" I responded

"Oh my gosh Cori." Lisa said, "Come on get into the car, we are gonna be late for school!!"

"Wait Li! Where's Callum?" I thought he was riding with us?" I asked

"No, he had to go to the dentist to get his teeth cleaned" She answered

"For what? His teeth are already like, blindingly white!"

"I know right but whatever. Now get your butt in this car!!!" Lisa yelled

You see Lisa is my best friend in the entire world. We have known each other since the day we were born because our mom's used to go to school together. Li is kind of a geek but also really fashionable so I think she is geek chic. She is very level-headed and is the smartest and most responsible of Callum and myself. She is the one who makes us think before doing and bails Cay and I out of trouble. Oh and she is Ms. Smarty-pants. One of the smartest in our grade 12 class but she is a really loveable person so pretty much everyone is her friend.

Callum on the other hand is the exact opposite of Lisa and the exact same as me. Callum is the type of person who is always playing pranks and getting in trouble. He is fun, loving, sweet, kind, care-free and more. He is super popular if you can say that. In our school we don't really have cliques; he is just liked by everyone. Cay is my best guy friend.

I am just like Callum. I am fun-loving, care-free, sweet, fashionable, and loving. I dress really wildly and I hate when people don't tell it like it is. I guess you could call it a flaw but I am pretty blunt most of the time. I love to prank and I never get caught. Lisa gets so mad because whenever she helps Callum and I prank she and Cay always get caught and I always get away! Oh and most importantly is that once you get to know me I will never, EVER, Never shut up. My friends most of the time just tune me out because they have all realised that even though they tell me to stop talking i will not. I promise.

Lisa, Cay and I have known each other since we were in Kindergarten. Technically, Lisa and I have known each other longer since our mom's were friends in High School but we were to small to actually be BFF's.

"LISA!!!??" I yelled

She sighed and screamed back, "CORIANDER!!!?"

I laughed and asked for her to put the radio on to listen to music! I really do love listening to music. I mean car rides would be sooooo awkward with out music.

"Next up we have Mariana's Trench with there new song Stutter" the radio announcer said.

"Yes! This is ma' jaaaam! I said and then started to sing along all the way to school, while Lisa laughed at me like I was a idiot!

"And I'm begging you,

Bring me back to life,

I just can't stand leaving you alone tonight.

It's too late to go,

Already taken me forever just to try to know.

One for the money, two for the show,

Three to get ready, and four to go.

For the life of me,

I don't know why it took me so long to see.

I just

Stutter, Stutter, Stutter,

Di-di-di-di-di-did I?

Stutter, Stutter, Stutter,

Di-di-di-di-di-di-did I?

Stutter, Stutter, Stutter,

Di-di-di-di-di-did I?

Stutter, Stutter, Stutter,

Di-di-di-di-di-di-did I?"

"Cori!" Lisa said.

"Cori!!" Lisa said a little bit louder.


"Woah girl chill you didn't have to scream it. No need to get your panties in a twist. Sheesh!" I laughed because I knew I was annoying her.

"Shut up Cori" she sighed.

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