Chapter 18

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Okay guys, it's Asher's turn but I will be doing a half or short chapter!



"The intruder Alert is over, everyone can return to daily activities." The intercom said.

"Asher Brewer, please report to the MedBase." The intercom said.

Why do I need to go to the MedBase?

I disregarded the thought and headed down to the MedBase.
I got down to the MedBase level and had no clue on where to go.

"Excuse me." I said, stopping a doctor. "I was told to come down to the MedBase?"

"Asher Brewer?" She said.


"Go to that room right there." She said.

I nodded my thanks and walked to the large room she had indicated for me to go to. I knocked on the door twice.

"Come in." I heard Brax's familiar voice.

I walked in and stood in shock. Becca sat on the medical table while Brax, Cal, Asher, Kia, Brody and Annabeth sat in smaller chairs. I must have been the last one they called.

"Take a seat," the doctor said. It's was the same one that had Becca the first time. I don't know why this scared me so much.

"Why are we all here?" Callum asked.

I was shocked it was Callum that spoke. He is as tall as Brax, he has developed muscles, and his voice was much deeper than it was five hours ago.

He must have just finished growing. He has to be at least 16 now.

"As you all may have known, there was an intruder alert."

Everyone but Kia nodded in acknowledgement.

"The intruder was a Beta. He managed to get past all our security forces and managed to find someone to attack."

"Wait. Your saying a Beta snuck into Haven, managed to get past all security measures, and attack Becca?" Annabeth said.

"But this was different, he singled her out. Kia was there too, but the Beta singled Becca out." The doctor said.

"Oh God, it was Toby wasn't it?" Brody said.

Becca nodded.

"Becca tell us what happened." I said.

"I ran off without Annabeth, it was a force of habit, and I tried to get back to the Living quarters. I missed both elevators, so I ran. I remember passing a water fountain before I was tackled from behind. He pinned my arms and legs to the ground, he said...he said 'I knew I would find you sooner or later'. Right then I knew it was Toby. He flipped me over, and bit my neck." She said.

"Then what?" Annabeth pressed.

"Kia kicked him off me and fought him. He was going to kill him. I-I made the water from the fountain rush out and I put out his hands then froze Toby to the ground."

"Did he say anything after he bit you?" Kia asked, no longer quiet.

"He said, 'you're mine'."

"And that means?" Brody asked.

The doctor walked over to Becca and removed a bandage from Becca's neck. There was a crescent shaped bite mark on the left side of her neck. The doctor motioned us forward. We all stood up and walked to the table. Her neck was swollen and red from the bite but she said nothing.

"How does this effect her?" Annabeth asked.

"The Beta, Toby, marked Becca. This is just like your werewolf novels or shows." The doctor paused. "He marked Becca because he sees her as his mate."

"He will have to kill me before he gets her." Brax said.

"I am not his mate. He marked me so he could keep the other Betas from killing me." Becca hissed.

"So in other words, you think he is savoring his hunt?"


I said it was short! Sorry but next update will be longer!

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