Chapter 10

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Asher's P.O.V

'Betas, Brody said they sent out their Betas. I didn't think it would be this soon.'

"We need to scat." Brax said.

"Tell me something I don't know." Becca hissed.

We gather all our things from the tent, and Brax put the fire out. I flattened the tent and Becca cover it with ice.

"We can't travel above ground, we will never outrun them." Asher said.

"Then what do we do? Let them catch us? Let them torture us? Probe Callum for his powers? No, we have to run." Becca mocked.

"Mommy." Cal said.

"What?" Becca asked, her tone soft.

"They are close, closer that I tought." He murmured.

"Crap." She spat. "those creatures belong in hell." She whispered under her breath.

"We could travel underground?" Ashed suggested.
"That would have to be best. But they aren't far. We need to hurry." Becca knelt before Cal.
"I will be right back, you stay with Uncle Ash and Uncle Brax, understand?" She asked briskly.
"Yes Mommy." He replied. Becca took Cal's hand and gave it to Brax.
"If anything happens to him, it will be on your life." She whispered to me fiercely. I nodded.
Becca ran off to the tree that grew behind the tent.
I made a path deep into the earth, and led Cal into it.
I waited at the entrance for Becca. I turned and waited anxiously. Becca came running through the entrance.
"Wait!" She froze. "They will smell the fish." Becca reached into the bag on my hip. She took out the frozen fish a raced out.
A blood curdling shriek pierced the cold air.
"Becca!!" Brax and I yelled.
Brax began to run but I stopped him.
"You protect him." I said pointing at Cal.
"Then you save her." He hissed.
I nodded and ran out.
Becca was surrounded by five Betas. They all circled her, growling and hungry.
I summoned rocks to my side. The alpha Beta lunged at Becca, she wasn't facing him. I threw the biggest rock at his head. The alpha fell limply to the ground, dead. All the Betas turned and looked at me defiantly. I returned theirs defiant stares. They turned to me and began circling me. Becca took this opportunity to strike down the one closest to me. This set them off, they all lunged. I was buried under three betas. They tore at my skin, biting and scratching me. I felt a sharp tear at my arm. I cried out.

"Ah, God!" I swung at the nearest beta.

"AAAHH!!" I yelled as I swung.

I felt my hand release a rock that hit a beta's face. She whimpered and rubbed her face on the frozen ground. I turned as Becca tore a beta off me. But the beta bit deep into the back of my neck, so when Becca tore him off me, he took a chunk of my neck with him.

"Ah!" I yelled clutching my neck.

Becca took on the last two Betas while I laid in the ground bleeding. I took my hand away from my neck, blood covered my hand. Dark red, warm, I could feel it pooling around me. Becca kicked my side.

"Run you moron!"

I rolled over and ran. Becca was tackled by the betas, all but the alpha, who was for sure dead.

"Becca!" I shouted.

"No! Run, don't look back!" She hissed.

Fearing what Becca would do to me if I didn't, I ran. I rolled down into the entrance, and closed it.

"Asher, where's Becca?" Brax asked.

"They...they got her." I breathed.

"What?" Brax hissed.

"They took her." I whimpered.

"Uncle Brax," Cal said.

"What?" He said.

"Uncle Ash will die unless you help his wounds." Cal said.

He was suddenly older, more mature.

Brax knelt before me. He lit a small flame on his finger while the other was in total flames so he could see.

"I'm not going to lie, this is going hurt." He paused, and leaned closer. "But this your punishment for not saving Becca." He spat.

I pinned my feet and other arm to the ground. Brax took his finer and traced the cut on my arm. I screamed, with all the air in my lungs. I struggled against Brax, but he had his knee on the arm he was working on. My vision blurred the second time I screamed, and I passed out.

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