New Lifestyle

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As Niall stops the car, I bend down to the floor, I'm so nervous! How could such an awful thing, become so amazing? Maybe sometthing else will happen  to me, oh well, for now I'll enjoy it. "You gonna get out?" Niall asks. I nod. I collect my trash and look at the door. My hand starts shaking as I reach for the handle. I slowly open the door and walk over to where Niall is. "You ready?" He asks. I nod slowly. We walk into the lobby where I find a trash can and throw away my stuff. We walk to the elevator and head to the top floor. We walk down the hall to the last door. "This is my hotel room, I'm sharing it with Liam." He says. Liam? Liam Payne? Oh my gosh, I can't believe this! Niall and Liam are my favorite members. My heart starts pounding, my hands start shaking, as Niall slides his key and opens the door. 

There are two beds in the room and on the farthest bed, Liam is sitting, on his Twitter. I try my hardest not to fangirl, but given the family I come from, that's gonna be hard. "Hey Niall." Liam says. He turns around. "Who's this?" He asks. "I have no idea." Niall says. Oops. That's my fault. Liam raises an eyebrow. "You don't know who this is? Then why is she in our room?" He asks. "Well here's the thing, you see there's this guy who kidnaps young girls and sells them to complete strangers and I heard about it so I decided I'd go down there and try to help one of them, but she won't tell me where she lives so I can take her home and she also won't tell me her name in fact she hasn't even said one word to me." Niall says.

Liam keeps his eyebrow raised. "I understood none of that." He says. Niall rolls his eyes. "It doesn't matter, if the police don't catch this guy, he's going to do it again." Niall says. I start thinking about that, and then I remember what he told me. "I know here you live" The words echo in my head. What was he saying? Is he planing to target my sisters next? I start crying at the thought of my sisters having to go through thi, except with an awful ending. "What's wrong?" Niall asks. I want to tell him, but I can't seem to find my voice. "Is she okay?" Liam asks. I whipe my tears away and nod. Liam looks away from me, I can tell he's confused, but I'll eventualy be able to explain. 

Niall walks over to the middle of the room and grabs the TV remote. He turns the TV on and it's on the news. "We've gotten a few reports about missing girls, all between the ages of eleven and twenty five, but we've also gotten a report about two girls from the same family." The lady on the news says. I walk up to the TV. Please don't be my family. Please don't be my family. I repeat in my head. "The two girls names are Lauren Christine Cimorelli and Danielle Nicole Cimorelli" I fall to my knees. Of all the girls he could have picked. He picked my little sister. "We don't have pictures of the two girls yet, but we have a discription of the two. Danielle is thirteen and around 5'6'', she has long brown hair and green eyes. Lauren is fourteen and also 5'6'', she has really dark brown hair and brown eyes. The two girls were last seen in Sacremento California. If you see them please call the number below." She says.

Niall looks over at me. "Are you alright?" He asks. I shake my head. "What happened?" I point at the screen. "Do you know them?" I nod and point to the name Lauren, and then at myself. "You're Lauren? So that means that you're sister's gone missing too... Oh I'm so sorry. Do you have any more sisters? Just so I can help in any way. I keep my head in my legs and hold up four fingers. "You have five sisters? Well how can I help? Is there anything I an do?" He asks. I look at him and then at the screen. I think for a moment, but then I realize that he knows exactly where the place is and he could go there and find my sister. I point to Dani and mouth the word 'please' over and over. "You want e to help you get your sister back? Well I don't know whe-.... Oh right. Well, I'm gonna wait to hear anything from this guy and then I'll head down there alright?" He says, nicely. "Do you want me to call the num-" I shake my head. I If I get home, there's a chance that he WILL kill me. "Okay then, Lauren." He says with a smile. 

I hear a knok at the door and my instincts tell me to hide, so I do so. I hear Niall walk over and open the door and then I hear a deep british voice say. "DId you hear about the girls who were abducted from California? I've never heard anything like it, they're both sisters.. I think." He says. "Where have you been Niall, you've been gone most of the day." A high british voice says. I know what this means. Louis and Harry are here. I peek out from behind the dresser. Louis looks at me. "Niall, who is that?" Louis asks. Harry and Niall both look at me. "Oh, that's Lauren." Niall says. Harry's eyes look as though he's mentally stabbing Niall. "You kidnapped them!?" Harry says. I giggle a little. "No! No! I brought her here FROM her kidnapper. She won't tell me where she lives so I can't bring her home." Niall says. "Actually, she's not said one word to me this whole time." "Why don't we just call the number on the TV?" Harry asks. "She doesn't want me to." Niall says. Harry looks confused. "Why?" "I have no idea."

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