I Know How To Save My Family

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I feel a sharp pain on my chest and realize I'm clutching it hard, as if THAT is gonna stop my feelings. I let go and stare at Calum as he makes his way back to the stage area. HE's got really nice hair... Wait no. STOP IT LAUREN! Focus! It doesn't matter if he's closer in age and cute. These boys are weird and made a terrible first impression so it doesn't matter! Calum isn't my type anyway... Or is he.... STOP LAUREN! STOP!

I watch the boys talk and then they start pushing Liam and he runs to the stairs. He walks up to where I am. "Hey." He says. I smile. He sits next to me"Sorry if you feel left out, this meeting is something that needed to happen and it realserious-" Suddenly Luke sprays Dani with silly string and runs away. "Well, it was SUPPOSED to be anyway." Liam says. I laugh a little. I may not like the other band, but they're kinda funny. We just watch the boys for a little bit. Niall looks at his phone for a second and speaks to the others then he leaves.

He just leaves.

Liam get's an angry look on his face. "Why is he leaving? This meeting was his idea!" He says. His phone beeps and he looks down at it. His expression changes. "There was another meetup." He says. "I hope it wasnt any of your sisters." I nod. Same here Liam, same here. Sadly, since he knows where we live, he could take all of my sisters at some point. He's quite good at kid napping. Suddenly I get a great idea for how I can save my family, unfortunatly, I'd need to speak to one of the boys to make that happen. Which I just can't seem to do. Liam seems to notice my upset expression. "Hey, you alright?" He asks. I nod, I just wish I could speak to them, everything would be easier if I could just say the words I hold up in my head. He pats my back a little bit. "I need to get back down there, but I'll be back soon, okay?" He says. I nod and with that, he leaves.


A few hours later, Liam climbs back up to where I am. "You have a sister named Lisa, right?" he asks. I nod. "Well, th good news is she;s okay, the bad news is, she was the one." He says. "Niall's bringing her over right now." I nod. I'm alright with that, as long as she's okay, and will be okay. He sits next to me. "Niall says he'll be here soon, and I just wish there was some way to ensure that your other three sisters would be okay as well." BUT THERE IS A WAY! I WANT TO TELL YOU SO BADLY! Niall walks in with someone in ripped-up sweats, but she's tied up still and is wearing a blindfold. I go down to where Niall is. "She was being stubborn and tried to kick me in the face when I was untying her... and she succeeded." He says lifting up his sunglasses to reveal a black eye. I tried not to laugh, just imagining how that situation went down. 

Niall slowly reaches up to her head and takes the blindfold off, then he runs away, as if she were a grenade about to explode. She looks like she's about to yell something, but then she notices me, Dani, and One Direction, and she just get's a confused ook on her face. Suddenly, Zayn appears out of nowhere, because where was he five minutes ago, and starts helping Lisa get untied. Louis runs over to her. "You're their sister, right?" He asks. "Um... yeah." Lisa says. "Tell me your favorite color." He says. "I like blue and yellow." She says. "Niall! You know what to do." Louis says. Niall nods and leaves. Probably going to get hair dye. Louis walks away and starts talking to Harry. "Thanks." Lisa says. "No problem." Zayn says. 

When Zayn finishes untying Lisa's arms, he gives her a hug? What? I don't get it. "Sorry about everything" He says. Oh, okay, that makes sense... I guess. I feel a hand on my shoulder and jump, but then I realize its only Liam. "So, Lisa and Zayn seem to be friends." He says, laughing. I smile. HE looks at me and then back at Lisa. "Wow, you look a lot like your sister." He says. I roll my eyes. "Everyone says that, but to be honest, I don't see it." I say. "What do you mean!?" He says. "You and Lisa look more alike than you and Dani!." I shake my head. "I don't think we look all that alike." I say. He get's a confused and frusterated look on his face. "There's six of you guys right? What do the others look like? I bet you look more like Lisa than the others." He says. "Lemme see your phone, please." I say. He hands me his phone and I go online and look up "Cimorelli." I show him a picture of all of us. "See, look. Okay, so you look a lot like Lisa and Dani looks a lot like the tallest girl and the other two look like all of you guys." He says. "I still don't see it." I say. He doesn't answer, he just keeps staring at his phone. "You girls are a band?" He asks. "Yeah." I say. "Do you sing in the band? Because if so, how? Cause you don't ever even ta-" He cuts himself off and stares wide eyed at me. "Y-You're talking." He says. The realization creeps it's way to me aswell. "Oh my gosh, I AM." I say. He smiles a little. "I like your voice." He says. "Thanks." I say. I can feel my cheeks heat up. "C-Can we keep this between us? Cause, I just feel very comfortable around you, and the others... I'm stilll trying to get used to..." I say. I'm being honest with him. "That's fine." He says. 

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