Where is he?

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"So excited for tonight. Wear a dress I'm taking you somewhere special ;)" Scott always sent the cutest texts. I wonder what he was planning whatever it was it was bound to be perfect. The only problem was that Scott had already seen every dress I owned but I know somebody who has dresses to spare...

I grabbed my phone and called Lydia. She's offered a million times to give me some of her clothes so she'll be happy to hear I want her to lend me a dress. If there's one thing that makes Lydia happy it's fashion.

"Hey can't talk right now bye!" Stiles rushed into the phone before hanging up. What were they still doing together? Last time I saw them I thought Stiles was just giving her a ride. Oh! They were probably trying to figure out how Coach's whistle got Wolf's Bane in it. Those two had become quite the crime solving duo. However I was not going to be left out of the loop because whoever had done it had almost taken away Scott from me and they were going to pay for that. I know Scott doesn't want me to get hurt but now it was personal. Just thinking of a life without Scott brought tears to my eyes.

Those four months in the summer were absolute torture. I borrow my dad's keys and he didn't even ask what happened to my car. It's funny how he's grown accustomed to the weird in my life... or maybe I just never noticed. As I drove to Lydia's house my mind went back to Summer. Every second of everyday I thought of Scott. I didn't go out much because I was so afraid I'd run into Scott and I didn't know what I would've done if I had. It was tearing me up inside to be without him. I had no one to talk to no one who truly understand. Scott told me what it was like to lose his father so young. He cried as he told me the story and the only person who I wanted to talk to about my mother was the one who I was avoiding. 

I began to cry as I remembered crying myself to sleep every night unfolding and refolding the note that Scott wrote me such a long time ago when everything was so simple. Reading the four little words over and over again. Eventually I would fall asleep with the paper in my hand. If Scott ever asked about it I wouldn't want him to see how it was now, tattered and tear-stained. The only thing intact was the photo booth picture I had put into a locket.

The locket was on a long chain so Scott actually hasn't ever seen it. I liked how it was like my own little secret. I think I started wearing it about a week after the picture was taken. Lydia was out shopping with me when I saw the beautiful round shaped locket with wolf on it and the words 'I love you to the moon and back' it was perfect like Scott. Lydia gave me a weird look when I was adamant about getting it. I hadn't stopped wearing since I got home and cut the picture inside of it. Even in the summer the warm metal against my skin was comforting. Whenever I would get the urge to call Scott I'd open it and just stare at it remembering the memories and I usually would cry so hard that I wouldn't be able to call even if I still wanted to. 

I  pull into Lydia's driveway and take five minutes to compose myself. I didn't want to walk in with my face all red. I muster the strength to get out of the car after opening the locket and pulling the strength from Scott. I pull the spare key from under the mat. I still can't believe they leave it in such an obvious place but I guess with the money Lydia's family has it doesn't really matter if they get robbed of a flat screen or two.

Lydia's parents weren't home so I went straight up the the stairs. I barged into Lydia's room pulling out my phone to text me Scott. I look up to the scene before me and I drop my phone with a loud thud on the floor. Startled, Lydia and Stiles pull away from each other but that just made it more awkward. I just walked in on Lydia and STILES making out. STILES. He was in his boxers oh my god! Lydia was just in her bra and underwear oh god.I've walked in on Lydia before but this was Stiles oh my god. 

"Ummm I.." Stiles stuttered.

"It's okay I came because I needed to borrow something... If you want me to go I can..." I said slowly backing away.

"No it's okay I didn't even know what I was thinking." Lydia stated coldly .

Ouch... Lydia kept pushing Stiles away every chance she got. She loves him. I know she does and that's what scares her. Stiles gets dressed quickly and when he passes me I give his hand a squeeze and I see he has a tears in his eyes. I can't help but feel sorry for Stiles. He's so absolutely in love with Lydia. Lydia a girl who doesn't want to be loved, scared to be loved.

The next hour Lydia spent making sure I looked perfect for Scott. There was a lot of poking and teasing and waxing involved and that was only after she made me try on a hundred dresses. She avoided all my questions about Stiles so I let her lose herself in doing my makeup and my hair. I was right to come to Lydia though. When I stood up and walked in front of her full length mirror my mouth dropped open.

Lydia dressed me in a tight fitting midnight blue dress which she said had a zipper that even a guy like Scott can zip down which made me laugh and that contrasted perfectly against my pale skin. Me and Lydia were the same shoe size so she lent me these black stilettos that had spikes all around the front which was in Lydia's words 'In case Scott needs a kick in the right direction." 

I thanked my best friend for being a miracle worker and left on my way back to wait at home for my Prince Charming to pick me up. Tonight thanks to Lydia and Scott I actually feel like how Cinderella probably felt like the night of her ball. I was just so happy. For the first time in a long time I felt like everything was going to be alright with me and Scott. We'd get through everything together.


It was nine o'clock and Scott was an hour late. I wonder what was keeping him. He texted me at 7:30 saying he was on his way but he had to stop by Stile's house because he was borrowing the Jeep so I wouldn't have to ride on his motorbike with a dress and stilettos. Scott was always so thoughtful.

I called Scott like a hundred times and he didn't answer. I was worried because it wasn't like Scott to just dissappear with no explanation... Something happened Iknew it in my gut.

I quickly dialed Stile's number my hands shaking in fear.

"H-Hello" Stiles answered the phone his voice cracking as if he'd been crying for hours.

"Sorry Stiles but have you heard from Scott?"

"No he left over an hour ago with the Jeep.. Why?"

I dropped the phone on the floor my hands no longer able to hold it,

"Where is he?" I whispered the tears already forming in my eyes.

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