Chapter: 3 Your dad is marrying a twenty two year old

Start from the beginning

"Really but you guys aren't together"He chimed in.

"We broke up three years ago when Ember was born but we were together for three years and were like a golden couple but when Ember came I decided we just didn't work together and I broke up with him"I say thinking about my past with Ben.

"Wait you were fourteen when you had Ember"He realized.

"Yeah I know what your thinking what idiot gets knocked up and has a kid at fourteen"I reply.

"No I was think how brave you are not everybody could do what you do I say little Ember is lucky to have you" He admitted .

"Thank you that is one of the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me" I blushed.

"Can I see a picture of her ?"He asks.

"Sure" I answer.

I pull out my phone and scroll through my pictures. It wasn't hard to find one since basically all my pictures are of her. I pick the one I took last week when Caleb and Brooke came over and we were baking cupcakes the picture is of her with Brooke and Caleb covered in flour.

"Here you go"I smile .

"She is adorable, she looks just like you"He says.

"Thank you you'll meet her tomorrow when we are at the football game every one on the football team knows Ember she is their lucky charm" I say proudly.

"Ooh so shes the reason"He says .

"The reason for what ?"I ask

"Well when I found out we were moving here I looked up the school and the footbal team and before three years ago the football was one of the worsest in the tri-state area but now its has a national title I just thought It was a bit weird, now I know why you have their secret weapon" he smiles at me and I  can't help but blush.

All of a sudden my phone rings and Bens name came up on the screen

"Hey, Ben is everything alright" I asked wondering why he is calling me.

"Yeah I'm calling you telling you, Since my mom is at an appoitment today I'm dropping Ember off with Caleb"He explains.

"Okay, but why are you dropping Ember off at Calebs why can't you just take care of her another two hours"I asked confused

"Because Lauren wants to hang out and since I'm not aloud to have my own kid around my girlfriend I'm dropping her off at Calebs " he barked through the phone.

"You just gave up the chance to hang out with Ember yesterday because of Lauren, Why don't you just spend time with your daughter who you only see mainly on the weekend instead of your girlfriend who you see practically everyday in school."I say trying to keep my cool

"Well if you just let me introduce Lauren to Ember maybe I could spend more time with her but no I'm not aloud to which by now is a bit ridiculous because we agreed if we dated someone for six months we could introduce them to Ember, It has been seven months when can I introduce my little girl to the girl I love" He plead through the phone

"Look I'm not talking about this right now just drop Em off at Calebs and I'll pick her up later. Talk to you tomorrow bye"I hang up before he can say anything eles.

"Everything okay?" Noah asks concerned.

"Yeah, just baby daddy drama" I explain.

"What happened?"he asked concerned.

"Ben's just mad because he can't introduce Lauren to Ember" I say.

"Why can't he" he asked confused.

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