B O N U S C H A P T E R !

Start from the beginning

The wedding was beautiful, since me and Eric are two of the most respected leaders in the faction system, all factions worked together to plan the wedding.

We had the wedding at the fairground, some of Erudite's best workers fixed the repairable rides and designed and replaced any that couldn't with new and better ones.

Just before the Ferris Wheel we had a massive archway made of wood that was painted white covered in lilies (Eric's favourite flower) and also with five balloons. And on each balloon had the different faction symbols.

My dress was beautiful, It was floor length, but the weather was perfect so my dress wasn't ruined. I didn't want to be traditional, I wanted something else. So I went for a dress that was black, red and white. The chest part of the dress was made out of red lace -which matched the colour of my rose bouquet- with the designs in white lace, and the skirt of the dress was black and smooth, soft to the touch.

Everything went perfectly and after the exchanging of vows and tears, we sealed our marriage with a kiss and a ride on the Ferris Wheel.

The day was perfect.

I feel a pair of hands slip over my eyes and a patch of stubble scratched at my cheek, a gruff voice started to talk in my ear.

"Guess who?" He says.

I smile. "Eric?"

"How did you know?" He asks, removing his hands and sitting down next to me.

"You're the only person brave enough to remove one of my five senses," I reply simply.

Everyone laughs and I just smile and rub my head, all the paperwork I had completed half an hour before had gave me a major migraine and now I'm suffering.

"You alright?" Eric asks, worry laced in his voice.

I give him a strained smile. "Just a headache, I'll live."

"You sure?"


"Alright then, I'm going to get us both food, you can catch me up on what you've done and then we'll do our hour of training before we have to pick up Aaron and Scarlett."

"Scarlett is going to her friends house today,"

"Oh yeah, well anyway see you in a minute." He says, kissing my forehead before standing up and leaving to get our food.

I smile as I watch him walk off. I love him.

I'm currently twenty-nine years old, I am a Dauntless leader and initiate trainer, I have two children one of the age of thirteen and the other two, I am happily married and surrounded by those who I love.

I couldn't be more happier.

***Three year le time skip***

I sit among the sea of black who were making more noise than any other of the sea of other colours, obviously the sea of grey weren't making a sound at all, sitting up stiffly to live up to their nickname of the 'stiffs', they won't make a noise until one of them are called and they wish their teenagers good luck.

How would I know all of this? I was one of them.

"M-mom, I'm scared." Scarlett whispers from beside me.

"What are you scared of? Being Dauntless, or leaving?" I ask her gently, totalling understanding the stress and anxiety she was under.

I was the exact same way seventeen years ago.

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