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I ran.
My legs were burning when I got home, my feet raw and my lungs on fire. I could barely breathe as I swung the door open, my mom swinging her head towards me, confusion and anger painted on her face.

"Daniel James! Where have you been?" She yelled, storming over to me angrily. "I called you a billion times!"

"Police." I gasped, choking through strong sobs.
"You were with the police?" She screeched and I quickly shook my head, grabbing her wrist.
"Call the police." My dad bolted up, rushing over to me as I slipped to my knees, gasping for air through my tears and exhaustion from the 15 minute sprint from Phil's house.
"Why do we need to call the police? What's going on Dan? Are you hurt?" Dad spoke calmly, rubbing my back in an effort to calm me down. I spluttered on my words, choking through the thickness in my throat.
"Dan, breathe."

I took a moment to catch my breath. I pushed my bed hair out of my eyes, staring down at the floor in shock. My mind was on Phil, my whole body shaking and my heart racing and pulsing.

I managed to tell my parents the story of what happened and they stared at me with shock and confusion, glancing occasionally at each other. I repeated his address numerous times, making sure they knew what to tell the police when they called but they just stood there.

"We need to help." I cried, gripping my dads shoulder to steady myself. He stared at me for a long time whilst I sobbed hopelessly, finding it hard to breathe and talk. He looked at my mom, biting his lip in hesitation.

"Call them."

Relief swept through my body. My dad hugged me, trying to get me to calm down as my mom called the police. I heard her tell them what I had told her before pausing and repeating Phil's address before hanging up.

"They're on their way, Dan." She said softly, helping me up off of the ground. "Everything will be okay."

purposely short chapter ✌🏻️
ALSO a cheeky #spon
Ty to my favorite mate aesthetic-howell for the hella wicked new cover she made for me wow much thanks 💕

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