Farewell My Sweetest Pain

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Hai. Aku tak tahu bila sebenarnya hari terakhir aku akan jumpa kau. And I wonder when will i see you again, to see your smile. Even we don't talk much recently or to be exact in around 1 year and 5 months. Tak sangka dah lama sangat. You might have forgot everything but not me i'm still remember every single things. Jaga diri, be strong in facing whatever that going against you. Don't let anyone define who you are. Ignore haters and focus on what matters to you. Be happy with your friends, stay humble and don't lose yourself when you find yourself in love with someone. Believe in what you're dreaming for, usaha pergi dapatkan apa yang kau mau, aku tolong dengan doa. Apa2 pun jadi aku selalunya ada kat situ tak pernah beranjak. Terima kasih untuk semuanya, aku akan kuat. Macam dulu2 kau ckp "Nanti lama-lama aku akan okay". In shaa Allah suatu hari, 'nanti' yg kau ckp tu akan datang jgk. It's really hard when I don't need any reason to fall for you and after all in the end I can't find any reason to not falling for you. But please don't stress yourself on this matter i'm telling you this not in purpose to get you back. I'm doing fine here. You're one of the kind. I will miss you. Hati2 balik, take care, stay strong. Assalamualaikum 😊

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