Chapter 4: Whale M.D.

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Emma woke up after a good night sleep. She had the rose he gave her in a vase full of water on her bed stand. She went along her day like any normal day she picked Henry up and tried taking him for ice cream again. It didn't work out like she had hoped. As they walked to the shop door she got a sudden stabbing pain in her head. She said it was nothing ,but her nose started to bleed so Henry used her phone to call an ambulance to take her to the hospital.

"I'm fine really." Emma said as the nurses surrounded her bedside and were poking her with needles. "It was just a headache and a little blood. I'm not dying." she pushed them away.

"I know but we should still keep you here for some testing." Dr. Whale came from behind one of the nurses with a giddy smile.

Emma rolled her eyes in extreme annoyance. "Can you at leas tell them to stop with the needles and poking." She said as one of the nurses jabbed her with a syringe. Which made her hiss.

"That's enough for now. Thank you." Whale said dismissing the nurses from their duties. "Have you been to any new places lately that could have caused a dysfunction?"

Emma hesitated. "No." she lied.

"I'll come back and ask again later." Whale said as he walked out of the room.

Emma looked around the hospital. "Where's Henry?" she asked one of the nurses.

"Last time I saw him he was headed to the vending machine." she answered.

Henry was at the vending machines looking at all the junk food and soda they had packed into them. He stared at it restlessly trying to find something he wanted. As he decided on huge footprint came up behind him. "Anything that looks good lad?" A strong Irish accent asked him from behind.

He recognized him from the day before. "Not really. What are you doing here?" He asked full of confusion.

"Aren't you a curious fella. I'm here delivering flowers to the patients. And you?" Killian nudged him with his hook.

"My mom is sick."

"Emma? Is she alright?" his smile turned into a content frown. Full of anxiety he looked all around him to see if he could see where she was.

"Yeah she's fine, just a headache. Why do you care?" He pulled his bag of pretzels from the vending machine.

Killian looked at him. "I... just a concerned acquaintance that's all." he smiled at Henry. "Would you mind showing me to her room?" he asked.

"Sure follow me." he knew there was something more but it was his mom he didn't want to think to hard about a possible relationship between her and a man. He led Killian to a room surrounded by glass walls.

Emma choked when she saw Killian walk in. "Killian!" she coughed.

"Aye. How you doing?"

"I'm fine. What are you doing here?"

"Well right now I'm here to see you." he walked over and sat in the chair next to her bed. "But I came here to drop off flowers."

"You don't have to be here. It's nothing." she insisted.

"It obviously isn't." he looked at how sick she looked. "You could have gotten something from my shop or my garage, or maybe it's from your fall." He tried to come up with an answer.

"It could be any one of those, but trust me I'll be just fine. Don't worry." she didn't understand why he would be there to see her. He couldn't have had feelings for her. They had just met the day before. I mean she liked him a little but she wouldn't admit it to herself no longer anyone else.

"For now I'll stay here with you."

"Thanks." she smiled. No on had ever gone out of their just to comfort her. Her whole life people had lied to her, betrayed her, even her parents. Could this time be different? Could she have maybe found that one person?

--------------------------------------------THE NEXT DAY--------------------------------

Emma woke up in the hospital. The doctors did their tests and it came back to have been a late reaction to her fall. Her head still ached but she was prescribed medicine that would make the pain go away. She suspected once she woke up that Killian would be long gone and back to work. She was wrong he was right there consulting with the doctors what was best for her.

"You stayed all night?" She asked him shocked.

"Why wouldn't I? You would do the same for me." He smiled and handed Emma her meds and a cup of water. "Now let me drive you home." he didn't just offer he commanded.

"No you have already done so much." she stood up.

"You are right. You need some real food. We should stop at Granny's on the way." He stuck out his arm to help her walk.

Emma rolled here eyes but decided there was no use in arguing.

{I love hearing your thoughts. They make me smile. I think I found a pretty regular time to write so hopefully Ill be able to update it everyday.}

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