Chapter 3: Hello?

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Emma drove Henry home to Regina's house. She promised him she would see him tomorrow. She couldn't stop thinking of Killian. He was good looking she wouldn't deny that. But there was something about him that spoke to her. She pulled out the card with his business information on it. (She snuck it from a small shack at the docks.) It was early evening and she doubted a flower shop would be open at this time of day but she had to go see what he was all about.

Emma drove back to far side of town where his shop was. She was right it was closed. It was so beautiful and neat inside. A cute counter with a glass case full of flowers. A clock hanging above the cash register with a ship as the background image. She had broken into many places she contemplated if she should or not. She could easily excuse it as a break-in and that she was just there for Sheriff duties.

Emma grabbed a metal pin from her pocket and straightened it out. She looked around to see if there was anyone around when she heard an awful noise. It sounded like metal scratching and sparks. A blacksmith? she asked herself. She put the pin back in her pocket and walked toward the noise.

"Hello?" Emma called out to the noise. She got no response. The noise grew louder as she walked toward what looked like some kind of ship garage. She stepped into the strange building . There was a man standing there with a huge helmet on sparks flying all around him.

Emma saw a sharp metal object coming from the man's hand. It had to have been Killian. She thought to herself. He stopped working the machine and flipped his helmet up. Emma hid under the first thing she saw. It was a large blue tarp. "What the hell am I doing?" she whispered to herself.

"Hello, is anyone there?" Killian turned away from his work to find nothing. He shrugged and rubbed his head.

Emma felt so stupid for her reaction. She quickly came back out from under the tarp. She was careful to come up behind him. He did have a hook for a hand and was working with sharp objects.

Killian flipped his helmet back down. Right before he started hammering the piece of metal he had on the stand Emma peeped out a simple. "Killian?"

He set down what he was doing and turned around. "Emma. What a nice surprise." he smiled and took off his gloves and helmet.

"I thought I would check out what kind of flowers you sell. But why would a florist be working as a blacksmith?" She used her hands to talk because she was so nervous.

"I own the boat because of my father, I own and run the shop, but what I really do is make things out of metal that people need. But there isn't much need for swords in Storybrooke." He laughed and walked toward her.

Emma crossed her arms. "That sounds very... complicated." she laughed.

"Well, I've got to make a living somehow.'

"And what does Mr. Gold think of you owning your own things?"

"Ah. So you know of Mr. Gold. Well he and I don't really get along."

"He doesn't really get along with anyone." Emma uncrossed her arms and put her hands in her pockets.

"That's true. Lets just say our past is... complicated." he smiled.

"Okay." Emma says still curious how their past could be worse than Gold's with any other person in town.

"Here follow me." Killian says running out of the garage. Emma jogs to catch up. He was at the front of his shop. Called 'Rolly Joger Flowers'

"How bad is your competition with Game of Thorns?" Emma sked him while he unlocked he door to his shop.

"Not too bad. At least that I've noticed." He opened the door and gestured her to go in.

"Wow. It's beautiful in here." she looked around the whole store.

"I've got a good crew." he walked behind the counter.

Emma peaked to see what he was doing. He turned and handed her a red rose. "For you." he smiled.

She took it from his good hand. "It is so beautiful. Thank you." she held onto it tight.

Killian arranged some things so they were like they were before. "See they'll never notice." Emma smiled.

He came around the counter and put his hook on her waist as he walked her outside. He locked the door behind them. :It was nice seeing you Swan. Make sure to come and try and break-in again."

Emma was shocked. "How'd you know?" she asked him.

"I have my talents." he stuck out his hand for a shake.

"I wasn't going to rob you." She shuck his hand. It felt like magic when their skin touched. But there was no such thing as magic or true love.

"I know. But make sure to stop by again." He smiled as she walked away. She smelled her rose as she got into her bug. She drove back to the loft and flopped onto her bed. She couldn't stop smelling the flower he gave her. It was addicting.

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