8- Living On The Edge

Start from the beginning

"You have to move on, Kyle," Hudson's character is telling Dalton. "You're going to get nowhere in life if you're just stuck on this one girl, you know? Life isn't going to wait for you to get over her."

Marina continues walking toward the hallway that leads to the extras lounge but I find myself stuck, standing near video village but out of everybody's way so that I can watch the scene unfold.

"And I know that you want her back but nothing is going to go back to the way it used to be. She's gone, man. You have to move on. And the quicker you get over her, the quicker that you can be happy again and maybe even find the girl that's right for you. Have a little faith."

Marina has already disappeared out of the studio space so I turn back around to the food table. We just ate so I'm not hungry but there's napkins there, so I grab one from the large stack and pull a pen out of my bag. I know that Marina said that I should wait for him to talk to me but I don't know. I think that his note to me that was left on my car was him talking to me, so now I have to respond. I just don't want to do it in person.

Hudson Gray: I've worn her down. I'll meet Iris tonight by the extras lounge after the day ends. But there will be no funny business even though I'm madly, crazily, insanely in love with her.

"Wait. I fucked up," Dalton is saying as I return back to where they're filming. "What's my line?"

The director calls cut so that somebody can feed him his lines and just as I'm approaching, Hudson sees me and offers me a small smile. I keep my eye contact with him as I sit the napkin down on an empty table near video village so that he knows that it's for him and then I start walking away. Since he's working, he obviously can't follow me, which I appreciate.

Going back into the extras lounge, I sit down on a couch with Marina while we wait out until they need us on set. It seems like the scene with just Hudson and Dalton takes a long time though because we spend most of our time in the lounge as one of the producers explains to us that the next scene is going to be casual, so we could keep our own clothes on and makeup wasn't going to be redone either. The scene was in a city, walking along a sidewalk. Today, we will be doing shots of the scene in here and then tomorrow, we will be shooting outdoors in an actual part of the city that they had rented out.

So we wait until it's time and then we're all led into the scene where it now looks like a sidewalk outside of a line of shops in a city. One of the producers tells us where to go. I'm walking on the opposite side of the road than the actors so I'm really in the background of the scene, which is fine with me.

"I got your note," Hudson approaches me as I'm on my way to my spot. "I didn't have time to write something back but you're on. I'll see you tonight."

He's walking away from me before I have time to answer and I don't know why, but it really bothers me that I can't get the last word in. I didn't even get one word in. He offers me a charming smile that lasts in my mind before he turns around to get to his place on the set. I don't know why he gave me that smile but it seemed very triumphant. Like he's telling me that he won, he finally wore me down.

I stare at the back of his head, feeling very incredulous that he gave me that look even though he had every right to because yes, he did win. He wore me down, so that look is very deserving, I just don't like it.

When we start rolling, I'm with a crowd of extras as we walk down the fake sidewalk, looking busy and in a rush on some afternoon in some city that is probably made up for the sake of the movie.

"We need something to do," Zachary says his lines once the director calls action and everything is moving. "Kyle has been out of it since the breakup and it's starting to get everybody down."

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