The Perfect Plan...I Hope

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Cara P.O.V

Game time. I was already sitting in the bleachers with my group of friends. This was going to be fun. No way can Jenner resist me. My friends say I am acting desperate but that's a lie. I just want to get this girl and then dump her ass.

"Uh oh lower classmen alert." Selena said pointing towards a group of sophomores. As seniors it is our job to ignore the lower classmen or harm them. The worst part was it wasn't just a group of sophomores. It was the bitchiest group of sophomores on the planet. At the lead of the group was Kylie Jenner. Yeah there's another one of them. This Jenner was a slut who got with everyone. I know what you're thinking. I get with everyone too. The difference is I'm a player not a slut.

"Hey Cara how are you?" Kylie smirked walking up the bleachers and sitting her fake ass next to me.

"I was fine until you sat next to me. I'm not into sophomores I stick to the juniors and seniors." Kylie had been trying to sleep with me since I was a junior and she was a freshman. I mean I love having fun but not with people like Kylie.

"Look Cara I like you a lot and you should feel privileged that I want you as my girlfriend. I'm the most popular girl in my grade and I have a better body then all the seniors. I mean look at my sister out there she's got no ass and she's a loser. Don't even know how we're related." I wanted to wipe that smug smile off of her ugly face when I saw an opportunity. If I said yes to Kylie that could make Kendall even more jealous. Forget that other chic it's time to win.

"You know what Kylie ok. I'll go out with you for a week and if I end up liking you well maybe we can go longer." I had to keep myself from gagging as I spoke. The demon smirked and shooed all her friends away.

"You're coming over today. You can't say no. We are going to have so much fun." She winked at me then wrote her address on a piece of paper. After handing me the slip she skipped away. By the looks of it Kendall didn't even notice and if she did she wasn't fazed because the minute I turned back to the game she hit another three. A few seconds later I saw from the corner of my eye all my friends staring at me.

"I knew it. You do like Kendall. You're just getting with Kylie so Kendall will notice you. This is so awesome. You finally like like someone." Karlie started laughing like a freak and I just shook my head. Now that I knew who I had to spend time with after, I was dreading the end of this game.

"Cara!" I heard her awful way to high pitched voice and then her arms were around my waist hugging me from behind. It took everything in me to not karate chop her throat and leave but I had to do this. "Come on we are leaving." She grabbed my arms and dragged me away from my friends who just laughed at me.

"Wait I thought you gave me your address so I could drive to your house." I looked at her raising an eyebrow and she laughed that awful laugh.

"No babe, I gave you that so we could have fun on the weekend when my parents go on their cruise with my siblings. Alas Kendall isn't going. She said she can't miss school or her games since they will be gone for a week. I on the other hand am not allowed to go for some stupid ass reason." She pulled a bitch face and after walking a little more we were at the car. A few minutes later a sweaty but still good looking Kendall came out gave me a questioning glance before getting into the car. Kylie and I followed soon after. Boy was this going to be a long car ride.

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