Start from the beginning

She shook it smiling, a slight blush on her face. "I heard about you too, you are like his favourite person in this world"

"Whoa!" it surprised me and Danny winked at me. "Maybe the 'second' favourite person" I smiled at them.

Both Danny and Swapna blushed, making me smile.

"Then...I will take my wife away" Nivin said cheerfully, circling his hands around me and pulling me to him.

Danny rolled his eyes. "Don't show off too much, It's making me gag, Brother Neev" he said.

I laughed as I was pulled away. everything was so perfect that it was like a dream, like my own fairy tale.

I never thought I could be this happy either. I danced with Danny, Rohan Sachin, the gang who kept joking around about living with Neev.

"Riya, we are happy for you but let me give you a warning," Jason told me. "you better start martial art lessons from now on"

"I can manage him well" I replied. "Right, Neev?" I looked at him sideways.

"It's no joke guys, I witnessed it first hand, she kicked him the first time we met her," Rick said and all of them laughed.

"And she locked him in that elevator, don't forget how pissed off he was that time," Sid said.

"And she's my wife now" Neev intertwined our hands and smiled. "And I am glad I met her," he said and they all "oohed" and "aahed".

"You are making us worried now, Neev" Amy laughed.

"It's time for cake cutting" Sachin appeared beside us, and looked around. "hey guys," he said greeting everyone, his eyes landed on Amy.

"Oooh! Someone is actually looking like a girl today!" he said in a teasing voice.

I think it's his first time seeing her in a dress too.

She smiled sweetly at him. "I was actually looking for you all these time," she said taking a step towards him and holding his hand.

He looked confused for a second before she twisted his hand back in a sudden movement.

"Awwwww" Sachin actually shouted in pain and bend down. All of them laughed, except me, I was shocked now, Sachin was really in pain.

"Amy-" he started.

"You dared to bring that bastard to our clubhouse Dexit!" she said. "you brought Philip to our clubhouse!"

"Ah...It...It was a long time ago...Grandpa already knew about your place and I...I just wanted to take Nee..v back to college-..ah... It's really hurting me-"

"You had this coming from then, Sachin, I saved it for you"

"Aaah..." Sachin was still in pain when Nivin grabbed me to walk with him. He seemed to be enjoying it.

"Er...will Sachin be alright? Amy seemed a bit...rough"

Neev chuckled.

"You can't stop her, Sachin had it coming" he smiled before we reached in front of the cake.

"Riya, you look gorgeous" Annie and others walked near, the staff from "soulmate".

"Thank you, Riya, I never thought you will select us" Jijo smiled. "And it's the best cake I have ever made, do enjoy it," he said.

I smiled. "And you are the best pastry chef, of course, it has to be you," I said.

As soon as the cake cutting was over, Nivin pulled me to a corner.

Betrayed And Broken✔ [completed]Where stories live. Discover now