Shrinking Universe

26 1 1

Phil's POV

I didn't spend the two hours in the airport the way I wanted to. I wanted to FaceTime to apologise. To say a proper goodbye while I was still in the country. But I didn't. Instead, I went round to all the shops and bought things. Lots of things. Things that reminded me of dan. Food that I wouldn't be able to buy in America. Things like that.

I checked my watch and it was time for me to go, getting to my gate and standing in line to get onto the plane.

Looking out my window i saw he ground. British ground. The ground Dan would be standing on while I was going to be halfway across the world. But at that moment, I was standing there too, but only for a few moments as I stepped onto my plane and was ushered to my seat.

Texting Dan before I had to turn it off for the flight, i hear the engines roar and we rush down the runway, I look out of the window as we were taking off into the sky and saw the city I'd be leaving for a long time.


Dan's POV

He walked away into the line and before I do the same I turned back and got a glimpse of his face as he walked through the door to the gates.

It's not goodbye, it's see you around.

I went back to the car. I didn't want to stay at the airport any longer as it was the last place I saw Phil.

I got home an hour later. The house felt lonely and more empty than it ever had been. There wasn't a suitcase at the door, there wasn't a pair of lion slippers by the sofa. Life would go back to being the only one in the house, as if Phil hadn't lived there but instead of Phil being a few blocks away, he'd be a few thousand miles away.

After locking the door and dropping my keys on the kitchen counter, I decided go to bed. There was nothing meaningful to do anyway. No planning left to do.

Phil's plane would be taking off at anytime. Turning the lights off and going up to my room, i saw a package on my bed. it was poorly wrapped in what looked like avengers wrapping paper and on top was a note.

~ dear Dan
It's nearly Christmas so here's your present. I hope this isn't your only present but if you would like, you can open it now. I hope you like it and I hope it is enough until you see me next.

I love you bear
xx Phil


I put the note aside and picked up the present. It wasn't heavy but it wasn't light either. Taking off the wrapping paper, I put the present back on my bed. There lay Phil's university jumper. The one I wore only the other day. He left it for me as a reminder. If only I had an idea like that, I would've given him something of mine.

I took the jumper and put it on. It still smelled like him, it made me feel safe if that makes sense.

Climbing into bed still wearing the shirt, I get a notification from my phone.

1 New Message
From: Phil

I unlock my phone hesitantly and read the last words Phil would say to me in the uk.

Dan. My plane is about to take off so I have to go in a second but I wanted to create some closure because I don't want you to worry. I'd like to say goodbye. At least for now. I'm not breaking up with you, I just think we need a break. Until I come back because I don't want you to have that emotional stress.
I'll always love you.
x phil

I didn't know how to reply with a full answer so I said I loved him back, hoping it would be enough until we skyped. I mindlessly slipped into a state of nothingness and denial, numb from the events of the day. I fell asleep alone in my bed, my sunshine setting on the other side of the world and my universe getting ever so smaller.


A/N: this is a short 700 word chapter that is going to connect the story to the next plot point which is hopefully going to be good. I'll see you guys next week for the start of part 2/3 !
Stay safe, stay hydrated and most importantly stay alive for me
xx Bella
(p.s. my muse concert is tomorrow so I'm freaking out yay!!!)

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