"Causing a ruckus isn't going to get her soul back and it certainly isn't going to allow us to win this war" I bite back

"I'm just concerned about your mental stability that's all"

"I am a big boy Colt, I don't need you to worry about me. It's not healthy for either of us"

" I'm only looking for answers Ivan" he responds

"Don't go looking for things you aren't prepared to find, it's better that I keep things private and deal with them on my own"

"That's what I'm worried about, how do you expect us to help you if you we don't know what's going on" he continued

"I don't expect anything from you Colt, let's just leave this conversation where it is, you and I are both far to stubborn and prideful to give in to one another so to prevent this escalating  any further I'm going to leave the room"

Turning on my heel I stride out of the room leaving an agitated vampire behind.

"Fucking coward!" Colt calls out from behind me.

Shaking my head and ignoring him I continue to my desired destination.

Having reached the privacy of my quarters I sat blank faced and tight lipped as i patiently waited for the calling of my father.


Minutes felt like hours and hours felt like days, having been sat here for the duration of the day I had managed to memories and examine every single item in this room.

Waiting has proven to be one of the most painstaking tasks I have ever had the misfortune to endure.

With the constant tapping of my heel I was certain i worn the fuckers down to the sole.

Being left alone with a poisonous mind like mine was a very dangerous thing. My thoughts had begun to wonder, slipping in and out of fantasy and swimming around the pool of scenarios.

I had managed to dwell on every possible outcome and every single situation imaginable.

What if it doesn't work?... What if she doesn't wake up?... How will I cope?...will I lose control?

Questions.....why so many God damn questions.

My mind was buzzing, it was driving me insane. Sitting around here was going to set me off and that is not what I want to happen.

My aggravation towards myself had distracted me from the body entering the room.


Snapping my head to the side I was pulled from my chaotic world.

"Let's go, we are ready for you" Hunter said

Nodding my head and falling behind my dad, I followed him to the infirmary.

The walk was short and the conversations were kept even shorter.

Right now I needed to stay focused and any unnecessary shit could wait until everything had been sorted out.

Stepping inside Rogue looked the same as I had left her earlier.

The room was full with my men but they were the least of my concerns at this point, I only cared about one thing and that was getting Rogue back.

"Now Ivan, before you freak out I need to tell you something" my dad began to vocalise.

My attention had be caught and I now was focused on my father.

"Go on then" I encouraged

"The plan isn't as straight forward as I made it out to be..... And it might not even work" he noted.

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