Chapter 18: Back With the Boys

Start from the beginning

"This is a private farm. You won't get raped! Over my dead body!" I pulled her close to me, my knees touching her thighs. She placed her hands on my lap and we both just stared into each other's eyes. My heart was beating faster and suddenly confusion hits me. I thought I forgot this feeling already. I thought I've stopped thinking different about her. But here I am, completely falling for my best friend all over again.

There was silence for a moment- until dad cleared his throat.

She brushed her fingers through my curls, "I HATE YOU." Then she harshly punched my chest, slightly pushing me off my chair. Seriously, what's up with this girl?

I covered my cheeks and prevented myself from blushing. "Well I love you too." I joked-

Or did I?

We got back to eating our breakfast and later on fixed our things before we left the farm. It was around lunch when we arrived in Cheshire, where the Revilla family gave us a warm welcome by cooking everybody's favorite Filipino meal- Chicken Adobo.

"This gets more delicious every time I eat it!" I said, my mouth full.

The table was a mess and I regret not being able to help out since I would be late for my flight. Mom got all teary-eyed that dad had to pull her away from me. I told her that everything's going to be okay and that home is where my heart will always be.

"So... You're going to be busy again huh?" Abbie asks as I load my things in the car. She was a bit sad.

I was upset too you know. Three days spent with my best friend is not enough to make up for all the mistakes I've done. If only I could spend a lifetime with her.

"Don't worry, I'll call you before and after every show. This time I mean it." I wrapped my arms around her and enclosed our gap with a tight hug.

She moved her head to my neck as she spoke, "I'll miss you Hazza."

I kissed her forehead sending goosebumps throughout my body as my lips touch her hair, "I'll miss you too Baba."

Paul and my bodyguard met me at the airport and snuck me in some secret passage way to avoid riot with the fans and don't cause trouble with the ground personnel.

"How was your mom's wedding?" He asks, sitting comfortably beside me in first class.

I opened my window's cover, "It was great.. She was there man."

"Who? Abbie? Wow. Was it awkward?"

"Not really. We acted normal. It was like nothing happened. We're still best buddies."

"You mean still friend-zoned? Damn it! She's single lad! Grab your chance!"

"Easy for you to say." I put my headphones on, playing Bruno Mars tunes on replay, ignoring what the world advices me to do.

It's not easy to admit that I once again fell for my best friend. Or maybe the feeling never actually left. Maybe I just buried it under my rebound girls and focused my heart on my career where I thought the fans could help me move on.

But I haven't. And possibly never will.

(Louis' POV)

The gals and I, except for Harry and Niall, are patiently waiting in our hotel room while watching television. Harry's plane will be arriving around 8 tonight and Niall's will be 10 minutes after that.

"Hey mate! Is it me or do I suddenly miss our pal Abbie?" Zayn blurts out of nowhere, lying on the sofa. He just got in from the room's balcony.

"Why'd you ask?" Liam's mouth was full and we could hear him munching through some chips.

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