A Fresh Start?

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"It's Ok Lucy"

I woke up to hear those words ringing in my ears. Not knowing where they came from scared me but I could not help but feel safe. There was something about his voice that reassured me. His voice was, how could I describe it, gentle but strong. It made me feel like I was safe but at the same time I was in danger.

As I got ready for my day my mind was focused on the voice. I tried with all of my might to remember who it was. But I had no luck. He was a complete mystery to me. And I don't like to pass up a mystery.

Every morning started out the same for me. I woke up, got ready for my day, went downstairs to make breakfast and then I got shouted at by my uncle. Don't get me wrong, I love him with my whole heart, he just has a really stressful job. And he wakes up in a bad mood. So he has taken it out on me since I moved in.

His wife, my aunt, is the most caring person you will ever meet. And although she can't leave her bed, she is always right there when you need her. It was that one morning that I will never forget. Started off with a dream turned nightmare, then got so caught up in my thoughts that I burnt the breakfast. That didn't sit well with my uncle.

"Lucy I'm only going to ask you this once. WHAT THE HECK IS YOUR PROBLEM?! Why can't you just do something right for once!" He threw the plate at me as he ranted. "Make it again!" He ordered.

I nodded and ran to the kitchen. Now don't start thinking that I'm an obedient young woman. I am anything but obedient. But I had learned the hard way that with my uncle there are only two answers, the obedient yes or the no that I dared not experience again.

Unfortunately, me being clumsy got me late for school as well. So by the time I was done re-cooking breakfast for my uncle, I threw on a jacket and ran to school.

And of course, by the time I got to school, first and second period were over. That meant it was break. And that meant I had to deal with...


And as if on que, my bully.

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