Promise Part 30

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Brian stood leaning against the doorway his eyes full of the same sadness that I seen the night of Joes wedding when he came to my room. His hair was ruffed and his cheeks red from the cool coastal night air.

"How long have you been there?" my own cheeks starting to turn red at the thought of him listening to me sing. "Not Important" he shook his head his gaze cast to the flickering flames in the fireplace I walked over to him burying my head into his chest but he didn't put his arms around me or pull me into that warm soap smelling embrace I came to love so much. "Quinn?" I pulled his face making him look me in the eyes those beautiful chocolate eyes I could get lost for days in.

"Don't leave us Maggie" his voice was barely a mumble as he looked at his shoes the words killed me to hear. A sharp pain in my chest the guilt like a two ton truck weighting down on me.

I placed my hand on his cheek, he closed his eyes smiling at my soft touch "I'm not leaving you Q" I whispered

"But you are, you're either going to stay here without me or move to Phoenix without me the only thing you're not doing is being with me, and I know I'm being selfish but I need you, Sal needs you for Christ sake Maggie, The Tenderloins are becoming huge and I am living my dream and I don't want to be on this journey without you" He was gripping my shoulder now his voice higher and more panicky than ever, where was all this coming from? The first night he had seemed so fine with us not being together in New York and now it was this emotional side to Q I had never seen.

"Brian, you need to calm down" I tucked a piece hair behind his ear speaking softly to him as if he was a child the man was almost 20 years older but still had all this vulnerability I was not used to seeing

He nodded "I'm so scared I'll never see you again"

"Now come on Q, Of course you'll see me" I slipped my small hand into his large hand stroking it softly and pulling him towards the front door "Let's go a walk, It's just the beer talking" I grabbed one of Qs jackets from the hooks sliding my arms into it letting it swamp me.

We crept out of the house into the night air I could hear the laughter and chat coming from around the side of the house the stones crunched under our feet as we walked hand in hand. Noises from nightly creatures in the trees and rustles from fox cubs in the bushes was the soundtrack to our midnight stroll "I wish you could understand what's taking me away Quinn it's nothing against you"

"I want to understand but I feel the same way about New York as you do about Ireland y'know I can't sleep well at night without listening to the night traffic and ruckus of the street below the apartment" he laughed

"Ah yes because the cries of people being mugged in NYC is such a lullaby isn't it" I kidded

Q pouted at me giving a drunken side smile "How can two people with such a different lives be this attracted to each other" he looked up at the night sky for an answer "I knew from the moment I set eyes on you in that coffee shop you were special Maggie. You just projected this..this light that drew me too you"

I looked up at him and blushed I loved his drunken ramblings everything Q would never say sober came out in these moments and I really seen the person he was inside "It's called an Aura Q, everyone has one"

"Yeah but yours is just wow!" We sat on the rusted swing chair by the stables rocking slowly, Qs jacket was warm and safe like a shield I tucked my legs under me resting my head on Brian shoulder.

"Maggie" his voice was barely a croak "Just please consider staying in New York" never had I heard him say something with so much pleading.

"I have considered it the only thing keeping me in the city is you Brian Quinn but ever since I was little I've known I would choose my career over love, I'd rather stay go away and be successful than be a starving artist in New York it would ruin me" it was really all coming out now We had never been so honest with each other. He gave a deep sigh "But listen" I squeezed his hand tight "I will be coming to see you as much as I possibly can whether it's here or Phoenix and I hope you will do the same"

He gave a nod smiling at me, I rested my head on his shoulder smelling his aftershave mixed with whiskey and beer "Well we can try and there's always the holidays I'm sure we can make time for each other for at least a day or two then"

Q was quiet for a while I was almost close to falling asleep wrapped up in his jacket in his arms. "Do you think you'll ever love anyone Maggie?" he asked leaning his head on mine his thumb stroked my hand I shook my head "No I doubt it"

"Why not?" he waited for my answer It's now or never I told myself just tell him how you feel.

"Because I love you Brian"

Q made a noise almost a gasp, his chest rose like he was lost for words a thousand feelings ran through my mind. I immediately regretted everything I wanted to hide away inside his jacket and disappear

"I love you too Sparrow" his voice was barely a whisper but I heard it I ran my fingers through his hair knocking his hat to the ground I didn't care if it was freezing or if my family could walk around the corner any minute I wanted this man I needed to have him I pressed my lips to his and he returned the kiss his hands on my back pulling me too him there was no space between us I gasped for air dragging my tongue along his bottom lip but he wouldn't allow me in he stopped, holding me back from him.

"Wait, stop" he sighed I looked at him I couldn't understand he said he loved me? Then why didn't he want me. Q fidgeted with his hands pulling off his silver ring he held it in his hand "Now I'm not proposing god knows that was a disaster last time" he gave a laugh, I nodded "but I just want you to wear this, maybe you will find someone and take it off, I guess I'll have to be okay with that but just don't forget me." I stared at the ring so simple but such a big gesture I don't know why I had to pause there was no doubt in my mind I could never forget about him. Stretching my hand out to him he took it and slid the ring onto my finger it was a little big and kept sliding about but I could always find a chain for it.

Brian smiled at me kissing my hand my face was burning red but frankly I didn't care I had finally got him to understand without losing him. It was just Sal I needed to talk to now, but it could wait.

"Take me to bed Brian" I whispered wrapping my arms around his neck he stood up carrying me in his arms.

"you really couldn't tell you used to be in the fire department" I laughed as he held me like I was weightless "Just don't bump my head on the door" I ducked into his neck as he let out a loud booming laugh It was the best sound I could of heard, it was familiar, it was safe and it was part of him.

He lay me gently on my bed turning around to close and lock the door he stood from a distance his arms crossed his brown eyes studied me as he brushed his hair behind his ear I smiled back taking in his beautiful man who had won me over.

Brian sat on the edge of my bed he lifted his arms as I pulled his T-shirt over his head, he trembled when I placed small kisses all along his collar bone and neck his hand embedded in my hair as he pulled me onto his lap unzipping his jacket from my body and discarding it on the floor. I felt his warm breath on me as he buried his head in my neck goose pimples laced my arms.

My name was a growl in his lips, his body pressed against mine he lay back onto the pillow taking me down with him the sheets pulled around us like our own protective bubble. There was no job, no difficult decisions. New York didn't matter Ireland didn't matter. There was only Brian Quinn and Sparrow Thorne how it should always have been and always would be. The world could have been ending and I wouldn't have given it a second thought. Nothing could have torn me away from his arms, his touch and his kiss.


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