Part 5

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Patrick opened his eyes and for a brief moment he wasn't really sure where exactly he was at.
He looked down at his naked body and at the hand that was hugging him from behind. And then..oh god, it all came back to him. Yes. It was Kevin's hand. Kevin was here sleeping in bed beside him, spooning him all naked as well. Patrick smiled and turned around slowly to face Kevin, trying  not to wake him up.
He stared at this man beside him, who looked so peaceful, like an angel.
Seeing him there so close to him, made him remember all of the things that happened between them in the previous night..and what an amazing night it was... They had this amazing mind blowing sex. Twice. First, Patrick topped him and then Kevin got to top too. It was so intimate, so instance. And then.. they naturally went to sleep in eachothers arms, like nothing special just happened, like they weren't apart for the last year and a half... like they were together for years and years. Patrick couldn't stop smiling to himself.

Kevin fucking Methason. his soft spot. the man who was his first love. the only man he ever said "I love you" to. He managed to leave him while they were having an affair and after their huge fight about monogomy but it took all of Patrick's will power to listen to his head when Kevin was invovled and god knows that most of the time  when Kevin was concerned, he wasn't thinking with his head. No sir. otherwise he wouldn't have cheated on Richie on that first night they hooked up. Or now... if he was thinking with his head he wouldn't be here in this bed naked with Kevin when Liam is waiting for him at his house. Fuck...Liam.. Patrick was so happy and caughet up in the moment that he wasn't really thinking about him. Poor Liam. Such a sweet heart. He didn't deserve this. Fuck..

How could he have done that to him? How could he have cheated on his boyfriend again. What was it about Kevin that made him do things that he was morally so ashamed of ? What was it about Kevin and him that drew them back to eachother like that? Patrick started wondering...yes. It felt pretty fucking amazing to be with him again but wasn't it also...a bit weird? They both have boyfriends now and they went to sleep together without even talking about what all of this meant. fuck.. suddenly he felt that the high that he was feeling was turning Into something else...turning into anxiety.

And wait...there's someone else in this picture...what about Kevin's boyfriend? Wait..not only boyfriend but a FIANCE no less. who was he? He had sex with his ex boyfriend without thinking about the consequences. How could he have done that...again.

Suddenly he saw Kevin moving should he react? what should he say?

'Good morning', Kevin said lazily before Patrick had time to think, still half a sleep. He pulled Patrick closer to him and gave him a small kiss.

Patrick kissed him back. Oh fuck...those lips again. He was powerless against them.
'Good morning...', he smiled back at Kevin. 'How did you sleep? '

'I...', Kevin said. 'I slept great', he smiled and stared at Patrick's eyes.

Oh god. Those blue eyes...Patrick missed them. it was like Kevin was seeing his soul with those eyes.
'What? why are you looking at me like that? ', Patrick asked staring back at him.

'Nothing..', Kevin said. 'I guess I just love looking at you...', Kevin smiled, making Patrick blush.
'And...I can't believe ..', Kevin paused and looked at Patrick. 'I can't believe you.. that we..', Kevin gave Patrick a shy smile. He was fucking adorable. How could anyone resist that smile with those eyes combined with that naked body.

'Yeah..I know what you mean. I can't believe it either', Patrick said. 'Last night was...'

'Yes. It was..', Kevin caressed his hair.

Kevin didn't even had to finish his sentence, because Patrick understood exactly what he was feeling. Last night WAS magical. If only it was real life. If only there weren't another people now. Patrick heart started racing again. He had to know if they were on the same page on what will happen next.

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