Part 2

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Patrick and Kevin walked into the restaurant. It was lunch time and the restaurant was full of people. Everyone looked like they were having a good time...laughing and enjoying their it was a regular day. Well maybe it was true for everybody else but it wasn't the case for Patrick. Today wasn't a regular day. Not at all. Today he began his day just like every other day his Ex boyfriend came to see him out of the blue after about 18 months. His head was so full of thoughts. Thank god that as soon as they walked into the restaurant Kevin went to the bathroom leaving him to sit and wait for a table to be ready. That gave him some little time to sit down and think. To regroup.

He kept thinking about how surreal this day is turning out to be.
Kevin is here. Kevin. Is. Here... and that made him feel... excited. Shit. He couldn't let himself feel.. things like excitement.. what would that even mean? He haven't seen Kevin in 18 months and alot of things happened in that time... Like... Liam..the guy Patrick was currently dating.

Liam was cute, sweet and handsome. They only met two months ago but Patrick was already starting to feel like this relationship has a real chance to be something great. Was it even ok to be here with Kevin he?

Shit. Ok or not, Patrick was...happy. Kevin. He was here, after Patrick convinced himself that he was never going to hear from him again.

'Hey', Kevin came back and sat next to him. Oh shit..He sat...pretty close. Patrick could smell him. Oh god..he smelled so fucking good. So...familiar. Fuck. It was his perfume combined with his own unique body scent that Patrick loved to sniff when they were together. And his eyes. Jesus..From this distance, he could see them so clearly with every little detail. They were so blue and deep. And that ridiculously hot blond hair? My god. Whoever made him lose a bet and do that was a fucking genius . That hair made him look so..
'No! Stop it Patrick...', he kept saying to himself. 'This is ridiculous... This is not a fucking date. You are in a relationship..You and's in the past. You are the one who ended it. Remember? You couldn't trust him then. Nothing has changed. '

'Patrick? ', he heard Kevin calling him.


'Are you ok? You look like you're a million miles away. '

'Yes...yes. I'm fine. I just thought about something that happened at work earlier.', he lied.

Oh fuck he was sitting so close to him. He had to move...because sitting that close, made him feel things that he shouldn't feel. He decided he should move a bit. not too much because he didn't want Kevin to notice that the distance between them bothered him. But he could tell Kevin did notice him moving away. Luckily though, the conversation kept going like nothing had happened.

'Oh.. if you have to go back to work..I'll totally understand. I hope my surprise visit wasn't too..'

''s fine..', Patrick smiled. 'It's all me..', he tried to change the subject.. 'How long are you in town for? '

'Hmmm...I don't know. It depends on how the meeting will go tomorrow. I might even stay for a couple of days if it goes well.'

'Where is your interview anyway?'

'I can't tell you.. apparently the guy who still works there doesn't know he is about to be fired so... '

'Oh god.. I just hope it's not your old job..', Patrick raised his eyebrows and smiled. Half kidding, half serious.

'No. Don't worry... your place is safe.'

'Good..And where are you staying while you're here? '

'Actually..In that hotel where we... stayed together that weekend during Gaymerx', Kevin said in a quiet tone and looked away.

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