A New Friend pt. 1

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 "Girl you need to get that on lock. Especially if he's as cute as you say he is." Anna stated firmly.

We were talking about Brandon. 

"Yeah, but I mean, I feel like it's too soon. I just got his number twenty minutes ago. Plus, you know I'm bad at shit like this. I'm way too awkward." I already felt discouraged and it hasn't even been an hour.

"B, you can't talk like that yet. You're stopping the game before it even began. Just go with flow. Who knows? It may work out." "True." I flashed her a smile to reassure her. 

"So what are you doing tonight at 8? There's a basketball game on campus and I was gonna go with a few friends. Plus, Brandy you need to make new friends. I won't be around forever." She laughed, teasing me. Knowing that she was right, I chuckled and smacked her on the arm.

'A basketball game? Sounds fun.'

"Yeah maybe. I gotta do a few things for school, but we'll see." "Alright cool. I'll see you later, maybe. Bye best friend!" I gave her a hug and we went our separate ways. 

Anna's been my best friend since 11th grade. I met her in Geometry during the 10th grade. She was quiet and so was I, but when we linked up, it was like we were two different people. The shells just busted open and we were ready to act a fool.

When we got to college a few months ago, she was able to get out of her shell 24/7 and not just around me. She made new friends and my shy behind stuck with acquaintances from high school and her.  Vince was really the only person I was able to become cool with that was a new face.

I walked up to my cream, 2008 Volkswagen Jetta and got in.  Immediately I sunk in my seat and thought about Brandon. The closest thing I've had to a boyfriend was my prom date who told me he had a crush on me. I thought I liked him too but I think I was just infatuated with the thought of not being alone. 

I was hoping Brandon was the real deal and it'd work. But, life takes sharp turns sometimes and what ever you least expect to happen, happens. 

I turned the key in the ignition and headed home.



"Hey mom there's a basketball game tonight at 8. I was wondering if I could go."

Yeah, laugh all you want. I still have to ask my mom for permission to go out. My mom has always kept me sheltered and on a leash. I'm not going to discredit her and act like she doesn't let me do anything, but there's certain things I haven't experienced that I feel like I already should have. For example, I've never been to a house party! How crazy is that? Maybe my expectations were falsely set. I envy the high schoolers on '90210'. 

To be honest, that's probably why I'm so incapable of socializing with others on a normal level.

"Who are you going with?" she pondered. "Well, Anna's gonna be there with some of her friends. That's really it." "Alright that's fine. Just be back by 11:30!" "Thanks, ma." 

I was excited. Even though it was my second semester of college, I still hadn't been to a college basketball game. It's not that I didn't have anyone to go with, I always had Anna. However, she goes with her large group of friends and I've been paranoid of being the one who has no one to talk to. Although Anna is my best friend, she still has other people to socialize with and she was definitely not my babysitter. 

I was finally gonna try to crack through my shell and out of my comfort zone tonight, hopefully.

It was somewhat chilly outside for South Florida weather, so I threw on a stone colored sweater shirt, black jeans, and army green bomber and black Converse. By the time it was 7:30, I was headed out to campus.

My college wasn't even a state college up until five years ago, so I didn't live on campus because campus housing wasn't provided. Mostly locals go there, so almost everyone knows each other.

I had plenty of time to think to myself during the 20-minute car ride and I wondered why Brandon hadn't texted me yet. I know I shouldn't even be stressing yet, but this was something I was looking forward to. I have never been approached by anyone as nearly as attractive as him and it was an exciting feeling. Plus, it was an extreme self-esteem booster! I mean honestly, what could a guy like Brandon see in me? I don't consider myself unattractive or anything, but I feel like guys like him go for beach blonde, preppy white girls. I'm none of those things. Perhaps I should stop making assumptions.

I shook off the doubt and found a parking spot close to the gym entrance. It was dark out and I didn't want a long walk to the car when the game was over. I pulled out my phone and dialed up Anna. 

-"Hey best friend! Where are you?"

-"Hey. I'm outside the gym. Where you at?"

-"Inside. Come in. I'm at the top of the bleachers closest to the entrance. Almost in the middle."

I got nervous at the thought of walking up all those steps with people looking at me, but I did my best to shrug it off.

-"Ok, I'm coming." *beep beep beep*

The game hadn't started yet so the home team players were just warming up, repeatedly shooting balls into the net.

I was looking for Anna when I heard someone call my name. It was Vince. 

"Hey, Vince. What's going on?" He pulled me into a hug before I could barely finish speaking.

Don't get me wrong, Vince was a cool guy and we were alright with each other. But we weren't close enough to be hugging and shit, at least that was my opinion. I was never and extremely affectionate person, especially with new people. 

"Hey, Brandy. I'm just supporting my friend, Chris. He's number 5." I looked at the court to spot him and looked back at Vince.

"Oh that's cool. I was just about to meet up with some friends. I'll see you soon." I didn't want to be held up any longer and just wanted to sit down. 

His face seem surprised by my hastiness. "Um, alright. See you Wednesday. Bye." I waved at him and turned to find Anna. 

She was where she said she would be and cheesed at me, waving wildly. I appreciated the warm welcome, but I didn't appreciate her friends looking in my direction. I cautiously made my way up the bleachers, maneuvering around the bodies lounging on the steps. I almost tripped, but I played it off and kept going. I finally made it to the top and sat between Anna and another one of her girl friends.

Anna cleared her throat as if she were about to make an announcement. 

"Ok, guys. This is my bestie, Brandy. And Brandy this is Andre, Shaq, Raymond, Deja,..." 

'That's way too many names for me to remember.'  

I was only able to grasp some of the names she said, but I smiled and waved as if I had got it all down. Her friends smiled at me and Deja even game me a compliment. 

"I love your hair. I've never seen anyone with purple THAT bright. You rockin' it." I smiled. "Thank you! It's my favorite color. I like your braces."

'Did I really just say that?!'

Her friends busted out laughing and she chuckled along. I could tell she felt some type of way, but didn't want to come off as salty. 

I shot her apologetic eyes and she nodded her head acceptingly. "It's not a big deal." she said, flashing a fake grin.

'Damn, I'm already messing up.'

Anna chuckled at me and shook her head. "Calm down bro. Chill." She could see through me like glass. She knew I was nervous as hell and panicking. "It's not like you're meeting Obama. Ha!" 

I sucked my teeth at her and sent my attention towards the court cause the game was starting. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2016 ⏰

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