Chapter 16: Susetthe's Story

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"Merlin, what are these?" Susetthe called from the other room. The sun was setting soon, and Gwaine had returned home to prepare a meal while Susetthe had chosen to remain with their friend. Merlin himself was bustling through pots and jars, whether cooking dinner or performing magic Susetthe honestly could not tell. But the noise ceased as soon as she spoke, Merlin having gone still and attentive at her unusually soft tone.

He appeared in the doorway to his bedroom, seeing the girl kneeling before the small extra chest in the farthest corner. It was open, its contents spilled gently in her lap, as Susetthe's hair trailed over her shoulders and around her cheeks as the soft fabric slipped through her fingers as she held up pieces to examine. That was all he could see over her shoulder, but even as he stepped further into the room he knew what she had found.

A small, dismissible chest in the back corner, dusty and dark and assumed to contain whatever extra little things the man needed to be comfortable in his old age. But Susetthe was notoriously curious, never liking a detail to be assumed instead of known. So she had looked in and carefully sorted through the contents, mindful that they could be important. She knew not why they were, but they must be. The two soft blankets were unassuming, but the simple pale blue tunic was obviously far too small for him, and she knew no adults who kept a simple cornhusk-and-linen doll and no man with a hairbrush, unless for their own children.

Merlin sighed, and Susetthe turned her head at the creak the bedframe let out when he sat. She was surprised, she hadn't realized his entrance. His elbows were balanced on his knees, holding his head, and Susetthe turned completely so that she sat on the floor with her back to the empty chest, and her front to him.

"I keep those, just in case," he began, but the man seemed at a loss for words. Susetthe watched as his lips parted and closed repeatedly, his temple framed by long, bent fingers, shoulders hunched over; she did not like it, but this was the frailest she had ever seen him. The girl knew to keep quiet when necessary, as he seemed to want to speak but was still discovering the words.

"I have told you of magic, and the great power it is," Merlin said slowly. "You understand that it works beyond our rational thoughts? Often, it is in ways we cannot comprehend, yes?" she nodded.

"One great magical occurrence is reincarnation," Merlin stated. His voce was soft, gentle, trying to ease her into the idea. Susetthe felt a tightness creep into her muscles slowly, edging along her back as she waited for him to continue. "Some people live many lifetimes, sometimes looking a bit different or with a different name, and often with various lives. But certain aspects always remain the same—things that make them the person. Family, personality, who they fall in love with, certain people they meet. Those who reincarnate have a destiny, one that cannot be completed in one life, or one that may be required in another person's. My dear, I—"

"I am, aren't I?" she cut in, feeling the tension stop taking over her body, but not receding either. She watched him, watched his eyes flash with emotion at her question, before they settled and she knew before he even spoke.


"How do you know?" she leaned forward, eyes wide. Surprising both of them, he smiled.

"I have met you before this life," he answered easily, the words lifting from his chest with ease and without thought. Surprisingly, Susetthe did not feel fear, nor anger. The tension left, replaced with a warmth that filled and stretched her chest, wanting to bubble out of her. Excitement, interest, curiosity, all filled her as pieces seemed to fall into place. A question she hadn't known she'd been asking, was answered.

The old man opposite her, however, still appeared frail and sad. She wondered if it was due to his age, or if he was remembering the lives he said he knew of her.

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