Chapter Two: Emails

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That's what I imagine Ailbhe looks like.


Fresh from the shower, Tom sat down with his hot Earl Grey tea and his tablet. Scrolling through his emails he looked for a certain email. He hoped it was the one he's been dying to get. His face lit up when he found an email from Josh Whedon. Quickly he clicked on it.

Hi Tom!
Attached is the script of Age of Ultron that you need to have before arriving at Shepperton Studios. See you next week! The rest of the cast and crew are excited to see you so don't be late!


"Shit." He whispered.

He stood up and paced around. What was he supposed to do? His daughter just got here and he's supposed to go film next week with a whole cast and crew of people that already knew him.

He's told no one about Ailbhe, not even his best friend Benedict. He knew this would not make her happy. He only had one idea and he had a feeling Ailbhe would not like it either.

Quickly he typed out a reply to Joss.

Hi Joss.
Nice to hear from you again, I'll be there with bells on. Excited to get going again with you guy!
Cheers Tom.

After replying to Joss' email, Tom opened his phone and texted Benedict.

Hey Ben, wondering if you and Sophie would like to come over tomorrow for dinner? I want you guys to meet someone.

He threw his phone down and went back to answer some more emails. His phone buzzed after a minute.

Of course man! Is this a new girlfriend we're talking about?

No, god no. It's my...daughter

His phone immediately started to ring. He sighed as he answered the call.

You have a daughter Tom?!

"Yeah, I do. I have had a daughter for sixteen years. She met me for the first time last month. "

She sixteen? God Tom, next you're going to tell me that she never knew about you.


Tom Hiddleston you better be not be silent for a reason.

More silence.

Oh my god, Tom. -silence- So, how did you find your daughter of 16 years.


Hi! This is Adam. It's Megan! I'm Daisy! Peeps it's Ailbhe. Please leave a message after the tone. -BEEP-

"Hi! This Tom, umm, I don't know how to say this. But I would like to meet my daughter, if it's okay with you guys. I'm going to be in town this weekend and would visit with her. Call me, Bye Tom.

Tom hung the phone back up and stared at it sadly. How much hurt will he bring to this perfect family? He knew there'd be trials and conflicts to deal with before she would ever acknowledge him.

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