Ten Ladies Dancing (Cartinelli from Agent Carter)

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   New York, 1946

"Peg," Angie's voice wailed from somewhere along the corridor. It really was quite remarkable how she could elongate a three letter word into five whole syllables.

"In here," Peggy called back from the study of their shared home. Even after several months it was hard to believe Howard had just given them such a beautiful house, but all things considered, Peggy felt she'd earned it.

She sighed and pushed a few files around, trying to find the document she needed to reference as Angie's footsteps marched closer. She appeared in the doorway and flopped dramatically down into the leather armchair across from Peggy's desk, a huff on her lips as she yanked off the mint green hat of her diner uniform and dropped it on the floor. "Jeez I thought that shift would never end," she complained in her brash East Coast lilt, rolling her head back and forth, making her neck click. "Don't people have homes to go to?"

"Hmm," said Peggy, only half listening, having found the file she needed and now hastily scribbling down several additional notes on her report.

She could see Angie sit up from the corner of her eye. "You almost done?" she asked, peering over at her work. Although Peggy had now come clean regarding her working for the SSR, she knew it was still risky to bring her investigation home. But the office had closed for the holidays and she still had several cases to catch up on.

"Probably not," she said without looking up. "Why?"

Angie started tapping her foot, and as distracted as she was Peggy picked up on the fact she didn't answer right away. "Just thought you might like to do something?"

Peggy finally put her pen down to smile tiredly at her housemate. "Um," she exhaled, glancing down at her mountain of paperwork. "I'm so sorry, I just don't think I'm going to get this completed any time soon. It's been a nightmare day."

Angie looked crestfallen. "Not even for a couple of hours?"

Peggy realised she must have been missing something, Angie never pestered her if she was busy, not now she knew it wasn't the phone company that kept her up at all hours. "I take it there's a special occasion?"

Angie's eyes went wide, and then she burst out laughing. "Are you kidding English, have you forgotten what day it is?" Peggy's blank stare gave her her answer. "It's New Year's Eve!"

Peggy blinked, and looked around her desk as if that might give her and answer. "Surely not," she said, perplexed. "Christmas was only a few days ago-"

"Yeah," said Angie good-naturedly, getting to her feet to lean her hands against the desk. "And then you get New Year's Eve, happens every year."

"Blimey." She'd really had no idea. "Well, dash the report, I think after the year we've had we deserve a little celebrating."

Angie's face lit up, and she went from despondent to delighted in a flash. "Really?" she asked.

"Of course," Peggy replied, standing as she closed all her folders up. "I can think of nothing better than a little dancing."

Angie's face fell though as she thought of something. "Oh," she said as Peggy walked around the desk. "Ain't it a little late to try and get into any parties? I should have booked sooner-"

But Peggy laughed and shook her head. "Oh," she said assuredly. "I know just the party. And I can guarantee you we'll already be on the guest list."


It was just like Stark to hire out an entire hotel for his own amusement, but Peggy couldn't say she was complaining. The band was lively, the champagne free flowing, and the view over Manhattan was quite spectacular. "Jiminy Cricket," Angie said as she gaped up at the chandeliers. "This Mr Stark have parties like this often?"

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