:: Attempt 07 | Liebesleid ::

Start from the beginning

'Miles' - alias 'Achilles' - purses his lips, crossing his arms over his torso. "And?"

"Where's that chick with you then, 'ey? She ain't with you? I remember she'd gotten our prized brats out - that blonde kid with gray eyes and that whiny lil' brat with mousy brown hair. Couldn't stop whinin' for her brother comin' to save 'er." A sly grin replaces his sneer. "Must be you she was tattling off about, 'ey?"

He clenches his jaw, tightening his grip over the handle of the dagger he holds. He must be talking about Abel, he realizes almost belatedly. "Less talking, more work." He mutters. "Hand over that parcel."

"No can--"

It all ends in an instant.

Scarlet threatens to overcome his vision as he sprints over to the smug older man, knocking him off balance when he kicks out his legs from beneath. The package falls into his waiting hand as he jackknifes to his feet, storing it into his jacket before he pins the struggling man onto the ground.

The latter scowls, spitting harsh obscenities in his native language, and 'Miles' slams the hilt of his knife to the back of the man's head.

"I still remember all the shit ya' put my sister through, you bastard," he hisses, a cold glimmer in his gray eyes.

"You're not gettin' away this time around."

x + x

It isn't long before Fujimoto Tsubaki notices that something has gone severely awry that morning.

Her arms are laden with stacks upon stacks of handouts her teacher had printed out, asking her to deliver them to her classmates before the start of the next period - which just so happened to be Japanese Literature, one of the subjects where she had.. Little to average knowledge of. (That, and the fact that she recently realized that she's gotten rusty in writing kanji.)

Still, she decides that doing a good deed every once in a while is a habit worth practicing. (Ironic as it may seem, what with her 'work' as a Sibylline agent and all, but she tends to digress.)

She hadn't expected them to be that large in number, though; her arms ache from the strain, evidently unused to such extremes - again, this she finds to be hilarously ironic. She is used to pulling strenuous activities, often training late into the night, but her recent negligence in training was, most likely, caused by her--

A sigh escapes her lips as she walks, struggling to keep herself upright. As she passes by Class 3-A's open door, she notices a familiar personage surrounded by irate fangirls. A hint of bloodlust mingles with the normally studious atmosphere in the room, emanating from a tense Hanazono Aoi.

Which alerts her of the situation at hand.

"Hey, are you really Asano-kun's girlfriend?" One asks, stepping slightly closer to an internally seething Aoi. The girl smirks, reaching out a hand in an all-too-obvious attempt at shoving the redhead. At the blank look she receives, she waves her appendage in a flippant gesture. "You've got a voice, haven't you? Speak up when you're talked to! Or are you just scared of the consequences?"

Derisive laughter elicits from the trio. Tsubaki, exasperated at the cliche bullying happening right before her eyes, yet worried about Aoi's sudden anger, shuffles closer to the doorway. She is about to enter when Aoi looks up, glancing briefly in her direction as a faint sneer takes hold of her lips.

"Oi, talk, why don't you?" Another of the fangirls prompts, "Could it be that you're just nothing but arrogance? Well?"

A third walks-- no, 'sashays' forward, flicking a lock of the redhead's hair away from the collar of her uniform, revealing the lime-green headphones she usually dons. "You know, I've never even seen you study or pay attention in class. You're always having these headphones of yours over your ears while you draw. What, are you just as dumb as Class E?"

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