
"I'd be called- wait. Why are we talking about superheros when we should be picking out guns?" Trevor asked.

"Good question," I laughed.

"Because you didn't answer my question," Stephan frowned.

"I couldn't answer your question," He scoffed.

"Then answer it now!"

"Don't tell me what to do,"

"Then answer my bloody question,"

"How am I supposed to answer your d*mn question? I've never fought aliens before,"

"You've fought stoners!"

"You don't-"

"Shut up, and just find some guns," I interrupted them. They always bickered like angry siblings. But they always-

"You said you have a bloody question," Trevor laughed. Stephan burst out laughing.

"I'm not a lady!" Stephan laughed. What are they talking about?

"Eww, you guys are disgusting," Jade scrunched up her face in disgust.

"They're guys!" Justin laughed.

"Who the h*ll cares? Do they go through that stuff every month? No. So don't joke about it or else I will make them go through that stuff every month...or week," Jade scowled. Wha- OH! Oh. Oh! Ew!

"You guys are so immature," I rolled my eyes.

"You're immature," Matt poked his tongue out at me.

"Says the boy who just stuck his tongue out at me like a two year old," I looked at him accusingly. He grinned sheepishly.

"And we get off topic again," Joe laughed.

"You started it," Trevor accused. Joe gasped in mock shock.

"I did not!"

"You did,"







"N-" Joe was interrupted by a loud scream coming from Jade.

"Why did you-" I was cut off by a weird noise that the alien made back at the music shop.

"Sh*t! Everybody grab a gun and hide!" Trevor ordered, and everyone scrambled about doing what was told.

"Here's some bullets!" I said, and threw some bullet packets to everyone.

"Adri, we all have different guns!" Justin pointed out. Darn it.

"I'm stupid!" I commented, and jumped behind the counter. I heard a loud crashing noise, and then I heard Jade scream.

"Kill it! Kill it, kill it, kill it!" Jade shrieked. I heard someone put some bullets in the gun, and then I heard shooting noises, and the aliens cries of death or something like that. I also heard metal being pelted.

After the shooting stopped, I stood up from the counter, and looked to see a shelf of guns down on the floor. There were guns everywhere.

"Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh. Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my go-"

"Jade, it's dead," Trevor said as he got up and walked over to the alien.

"Trevor what are you doing?!" I ran over to him to stop him from going any closer to it.

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