Chapter 5

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"Hon, wake up,"

"I'm already up," It's the truth, I have been awake for a couple hours now. After falling asleep after my first nightmare and waking up again from an other I just laid in bed watching the clock change.

"Good, breakfast is downstairs," my dad tells me then shuts my door. I swing my legs over the bed and go to my closest and pick out a new outfit I bought Sunday. I put it on and run a brush through my long blonde hair that's naturally straight, then go downstairs.

Matt and Archer are already up and shoving pancakes into their mouths. I receive a mumbled hello from both because their mouths are completely full.

Matt swallows and says, "You look like a zombie," I probably have the worst bags under my eyes. I must look like shit. "Did you sleep at all?" he asks.

"Nope. Just nervous about the first day I guess," I lie. I don't need them making a fuss over my nightmares again. Matt buys it, but Archer stares at me a couple seconds before turning back to his beloved food. I grab a plate and put a couple of pancakes on it, normally I would pile my plate with food but I'm not very hungry. Matt notices the lack of food on my plate and raises an eyebrow in question. I just shrug and continue eating. The boys start talking about their classes but I stay quiet, thinking.

I wonder why these nightmares won't go away. I hope they're not predicting the future. They've been going on for about a month now and I'm tired of sleepless nights. But nothing has happened so far and I don't want to worry anybody. I feel bad always waking up Archer or Matt because I'm scared of my dreams, I don't need to add stress to their lives.

After breakfast, following tradition, we take pictures which I'm sure I look terrible in. Then we say our goodbyes and get in the truck to go to school. I sit in back quietly as Matt and Archer talk about their upcoming game tonight.

We finally pull into the school parking lot that's full of students. I quickly get out of the car and grab my books heading toward the main entrance.

"Meg, wait up!" Archer calls behind me. So close I say to myself. "We have first period together," he reminds me.

"Great," I mumble.

"Let's turn that frown upside down Miss Grumpypants," he says pinching my cheeks. I plaster a fake smile on my face and continue walking.

We go through the double doors and up the main steps to our lockers. Archers says hi to practically everybody we pass in the hallway, I just keep walking with my head down. I really want this day to be over, I'm deliriously tired.

"You feeling okay?" Archer questions again as he takes a seat next to me in first period English.

"Uh, yeah. Just tired." I lie again, cradling my head in my hands with my elbows resting on the desk. Something flashes over his eyes, but it disappears too fast for me to read, "Megan, stop ly-" He's interrupted by the tardy bell before he can finish.

"Welcome back class..." the teacher starts and I zone out. I open a fresh page in my new notebook and absentmindedly start sketching, something I do often when I'm bored. My pencil moves across the canvas like second nature.

My mind starts drifting off again. I yawn and realize how tired I am. Im tired of sleepless nights. Tired of having nightmares that I'm scared to death might become reality. I'm tired of having people ask me what's wrong and if I'm okay. I'm not okay, I'm always watching my back constantly worrying. I'm getting little to no sleep everynight. It's hard and I have no clue how to make it better.

I look down at my notebook and realize I drew a scene from one of my dreams. I jump a little when I notice Archer looking over my shoulder at the picture I drew with the worried expression I've grown to hate. I quickly shut my notebook.

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