Chapter 3

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I bolt upright into a sitting position, sweating, and breathing heavy. I run my hands through my hair trying to calm down. Quickly, I get out of bed and head down the hallway to the guest room. I turn the door knob slowly, trying to make as little noise as possible. I head across the room toward the sleeping figure in bed. I poke his back a couple times in hope of waking him up. When he doesn't, I hit him a little harder.

Archer immediately wakes up, panicked. When he sees me, his face softens. He pulls back the covers allowing me to crawl in next to him. "Again?" he ask me in a whisper. Pulling me against his chest wrapping his protective arms around me, I nod and get closer to him and he lets out a long sigh.

"They're just dreams," he reasures me. "go back to sleep." I hesitantly obey, afraid the images will come back once I close my eyes. I take a couple of deep breaths to calm down then focus on the soothing sound of his heartbeat to lull me back into, hopefully, a dreamless sleep.

I awkake to Archer shifting besides me. Sunlight is streaming through the window shining against his handsome face. His nose at a perfect slant, his soft brown hair glowing, and his beautiful deep blue eyes hiding behind pale eyelids. I carefully trace my finger over the scar under his left eye he got from a game of baseball. His eyes flutter open then soon shut after seeing the light, giving me only a quick glance at his gorgeous eyes.

Archer groans and buries his head in the crook of my neck, blowing hot air against it. This little action causes me to shiver in his arms. He loops his arms back in their comfortable position on my waist and pulls me impossibly closer to him so there is no space between our bodies. I breath in deep through my nose, getting high on his scent. I look over his shoulder at the clock that reads just after nine in the morning. Shoot, I need to get ready for practice! I'm going be late if I don't get up now.

I try to wiggle out of Archers tight embrace, only to receive another disapproving groan. "Archer, let me go. I have practice." I reason.

"Meg, it's Sunday," I can feel his smile against my neck, "there is no practice. Go back to sleep," he yawns, "too early." I mentally face palm myself. I've been so caught up in soccer and with school starting soon I lost track of what day it is. I close my eyes again to catch a couple more hours of needed sleep.


"I love you, so much" he says holding my hand with what little strength he had left. Fear of losing him corses through me. Life without him will be empty and pointless.

"Please, don't go. Don't leave. I need you." I beg with tears pouring from my eyes. I'll give anything for him not to go. I need him, he can't leave me.

"Listen, Megan. I love you, you'll be okay. Promise me?"

I sniffle, unable to promise knowing I can't lie as he lies on his death bed. I use my sleeve and wipe my eyes so I can see him clearly, "I love you more" He let's out a week smile and his grip lessens. His hand falls lifelessly onto the hospital bed as he flatlines.


I let out a scream as I am abrubtly woken once again. I feel new tears prickling my eyes as I remember how real the dream seemed, how I felt every emotion like I was actually living it. Looking over at the other side of the bed, I find it empty. Seconds later Archer storms out of the guest bathroom, eyes searching the room for trouble.

"God, Megan. You scared me," he says running a hand over his face. He comes and sits on the bed next to me and pulls me on to his lap. Matt burst through the door with a face full of worry until he sees me safe in Archer's arms.

"What's wrong?" Matt asks taking me out of Archer's arms to hug me.

I sigh, "It was just a nightmare," not believing the words that were coming out of my mouth.

"Still?" he questions pulling back to look into my eyes and I nod. "Meg, it's almost been a month. Now youre starting to yell and scream. You-"

"I'm fine, really. When I wake up and realize everyone is okay, I calm down,"

"I'm sorry, I should have woke you when I got up. You woke up all alone," Archer says running a hand through his bedhair.

"I don't need to be babied. I'm 16, I can handle myself. There just dreams," I lie. It seems whenever I'm in Archer's arms I don't get the nightmares.

"They're getting worse, aren't they?" Matt asks. His hands are firmly on my shoulders and his eyes trying to connect with mine.

"No, I'm fine. Okay?" I shrug out of his hold and turn toward the door. I head straight to my room to take a shower so I can rid my body of the dried sweat. After a long shower I decide on getting out of the house so I won't to be interrogated all day. I change into clean clothes and grab my phone and bag and pull on my Nikes. I head down the step where I'm greeted by three sets of eyes. I ignore them all and head straight to my mom's office at the end of the hall.

"Mom?" I call knocking on her door.

"Yes, sweetie? Come on in," she answers from behind her computer.

"School starts in a couple of days, and I need new clothes. So I was thinking we could head down to the mall today," I say.

"I'm sorry sweetie. I have a big case coming up on Wednesday that I need to prepare for,"

"Oh, it's fine. I'll go by myself then." I tell her waving my hand. It was silly of me to think she would take time off of work to spend time with her only daughter.

"But here," she says rummaging through her purse and pulling out her wallet, "use my card."

"Thanks mom," I say taking the credit card out of her outstretched hand. I'd rather pay for everything myself if my mom could come but I guess she'll throw money at me because she's 'sorry' she can't have a day with her daughter yet again.

"I'll be back later," I tell her heading out if her office. I start to walk past the living room toward the front door but get stopped when Archer stands in my way.

"Where ya headed?"

"No where," I say side steping him.

"C'mon Meg, I'm bored. Let's do something," he mirrors my step.

"I'm going to the mall," Archer hates it there so I'm possitive he won't want to tag along "Call one of your girlfriends. You know Hailey would love to spend time with you," I suggest with a shrug. Only the Lord knows how many girls at our school he has at his feet.

"Her? Goodness no. Plus they're no fun,"

"I could've told you that. They're all bimbos,"

"Ouch, how would you feel if they talk about you like that behind your back?", his trademark smirk playing on his lips.

"They talk to me like that to my face," I roll my eyes. "Do you know how many threats I get to stay away from you? Enough to last me a lifetime," I tell him. I jab him in the stomach so I can quickly go around him. Last thing I need if for him to follow me around all day, babying me because of these darn nightmares.

Yes, in my moments of weakness I run straight into his arms, so what? I've known him my whole life; he's practically family. The guest bedroom is filled with his things for when he sleeps over, which is almost every night. It depends on how his father is that week-drunk and mad or abusive and cruel. Archer doesn't have the best family, but he manages. Plus he's always welcome here, heck he calls my parents mom and dad.

"I'll come with you," he offers following me out the door and down the driveway.

"Already going with Rachel and Mia," I fib. He deflates a little and I hop into the car. Maybe I'll actually invite them, a little girl time sounds nice. Also, they don't know about the dreams so they can't bug me about them. The only people that know are Archer and Matt, and that's how I intend to keep it. I don't need to bother a ton of people, who won't care, about my pathetic problems. Hopefully they'll go away soon, and I won't have to worry about them any more. Or, they come true, like I'm afraid they will.

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