Chapter 11

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Chapter XI

    Returned to my room, I felt small and terrifyingly empty. I had an incredible urge to protect Amari, I couldn’t bare to loose another family member. I’m sure he felt like he needed to protect me too. I sat on my bed and sighed. Now that Amari was in my life I wondered if things would be different. My eyes slowly started to close I fought the urge to fall asleep. I wanted to think about everything that had just happened. But as always, there’s no use fighting sleep.

        My heart jumped in my chest, making my eyes shoot wide open. I don’t know why but I started to shiver, like a child left outside on a cold winter day. I was scared, my heart thumped so loudly I could hear it. Breathe in, breathe out. I couldn’t control my nerves, my palms started to sweat. What were those sounds? I willed my shaking body off my bed. Step by step, towards the medal door. The coolness of the medal cooled my body as I set my ear against it. Sucking in my breath I tried to control my breathing. I stood there for awhile, crouched down like a young child trying to overhear there parents conversation without being caught. No sounds came from the other side of the door, I started to think it was all a dream. This building was making me crazy!

        I jumped back away from the door. The shrill screams were loud enough for me to hear, through the medal door. My heart started to pound, the screams lasted for about ten minutes. It took me awhile to realize I had been holding my breathe. Exhaling, I walked back to my bed. More screams, this time followed by loud crying. My stomach started to knot, who was crying? What was happening out there? As much as I wanted to know, I don’t think I could bare to see what was really happening. Deafening banging against my door made me quickly stand up. My eyes dark brown, I waited. Instantly the door opened, I sucked in my breath, I could feel the tears in the back of my throat. Amari slid across the floor into my room and just as fast as the door was opened, it was slammed shut. I immediately ran to Amari’s side.

 “Amari,” I cried while shaking him, when he didn’t respond I pulled him closer to me.

    Holding his head in my hands, I looked at the damage that had been done. Amari’s eyes were fully open in shock, they were the darkest brown I had ever seen. His face was damp with tears and sweat, he was panting. I watched his chest move up and down, as he gasped for air. Taking my shirt I gently wiped his face off. Cradling his head in my lap, I silently let the tears fall from my eyes.

    “Don’t cry Aba, I’m fine.” 

His voice sounded different, so broken. Like it hurt to talk, to breathe.

    “Why’d they do this to you?” I asked.

    “Its part of the plan Aba.”

    “What plan?” I yelled. My body shaking with anger, I wanted to kill the person that hurt him this badly.

    “The escape plan that Jason and I came up with.”

    “So you almost getting killed was part of the plan?” I was furious.

Amari tried sitting up to face me, I led him to my bed and lay his broken body down, he groaned every time I moved to get closer to him. I told myself to stay still so I wouldn’t hurt him.

    “No, me getting put into your room with you was part of the plan.”

    “So you had to almost get yourself killed, because of that? What sort of plan is this?”

Amari didn’t reply for a moment, his eyes were squeezed shut and he wasn’t moving. I thought he was dead, until I saw the rise and fall of his stomach.

            “Amari, can you hear me, can you breathe?”

I was seriously starting to worry. Amari opened his eyes, I sighed relived when I saw the specks of amber.

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